
Do you really not see a difference in discussing how an American TV show treats and portrays a group of characters who share the same gender or race or both as any different from discussing how a show treats its characters that share the same eye color? I mean, c'mon. You can disagree with the thesis and I know you

Listen, there's plenty of time. Hold out hope. I can't see Jessie and her kids being long for the world. With that said, I'm more of a Michonne/Rick person myself. I call their ship Competence and Crazy. You decide which is which.

Honestly, teenagers leading the wolves makes far more sense than adults leading them. This is exactly the kind of thing damaged, angry, hopeless teenagers would do. ALSO THEY NEED TO GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN AND STOP LISTENING TO THAT NOISE THEY CALL MUSIC. One of my god daughters recently discovered Taylor swift AND One

I agree. Terminus, in particular, while it made for a great season finale and opener, made almost no sense. There was no rhyme or reason behind the canibalism aspect especially. I believe there would be groups that would say, basically, stay out of our way and don't threaten us, or we will kill you. I find a

Nah, they just gave it a full season order. One and done is certainly possible though.


Give it a few years and every show on television will have been developed by or somehow associated with Dick Wolf, Shonda Rhimes, Ryan Murphy, or Greg Berlanti. Truly, the End Times of television are near. In the meantime, it's not the first time a tv show has been developed based on a book that has yet to be

I was JUST reading an article about one of the main CW casting directors - he cast Arrow, 90210 and Gossip Girl, among other shows, and he literally said he was basically obsessed with Katie Cassidy. Here, I found it: http://www.buzzfeed.com/jar…

This was the most I have enjoyed this show in a very long time. It's such a relief that even while moving the plot forward and exploring darker themes, there is some kind of sense of light and humor. The best compliment I can give this show is that I almost walked away after season 3 and I am relieved that I chose to

Oh, god no. Clearly the world is ending.

Divorce her immediately. Go for fault based grounds.

We may not agree on iZombie and The 100, but dammit we can find common ground on how we feel about NBC!

iZombie, the 100, Jane the Virgin. There's at least five good to great shows on the CW. Which is more than I can say about some other networks. glaring furiously at NBC and CBS, and oh, let's throw Fox in there too

This show is bad. But it's bad in a way I really enjoy at 10 pm on Sundays. The important thing with this show is not to think about it too much. If you think about it at all, you know you've thought too much about it. It's a show that might drive me crazy under other circumstances, but that I really enjoy as a way to

"My plans suck. People die. It's always a mess." - John Crichton

I appreciate this on a level I cannot properly express.

He's on Grace and Frankie as a regular, so I'm not too surprised, I guess.

"Noooooooooo! That's what I eat the pudding with! I need my face! For pudding reasons!"

Heretics. Boo.
Stefan/Caroline. Boo.
Enzo and Lily. BOOOOOO.
Bonnie, Alaric and Damon? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.

There has long been some rumor of a Netflix deal with The CW and that may save The Originals. I don't know how accurate the speculation is, but it seems to be based on people not really being able to figure out how shows like Reign, Beauty and the Beast, etc. could keep getting renewed given their ratings and lack of