No, that definitely happened. But it devolved quickly into basically All That and Rugrats all the time.
No, that definitely happened. But it devolved quickly into basically All That and Rugrats all the time.
What I want: Adventures of Pete and Pete, Salute Your Shorts and Are You Afraid of the Dark.
What I do not want: Everything else
I feel like you have been composing this since the day it was announced. If you came up with it on the fly, I'm impressed. If you've been working on this for lo these many months, I'm somehow even more impressed.
The special effects are really low budget. The colors are oddly hued. They picked the worst font known to mankind and the subtitles and title cards bounce all over the screen, seemingly at random. I didn't really notice the music, but I was not impressed by how it looked.
I got really excited when I saw Eve Harlow, then less excited when I discovered she was stuck in an utterly pointless plotline.
My sister pointed out that since its Murphy, it's possible Final Girl is only Final Girl because she's the killer. Would be an interesting-ish trope subversion, I guess. Not sure I'll stick around to find out, although I could see this being the type of show I come back to for the finale.
But surely Murphy wouldn't think it was clever to have the Scream 4 killer also be the killer on Scream Queens… Oh. Yeah. You're probably right.
Agreed. They can both be terrible. And they are. It's just that they are terrible in different ways.
I was pretty excited for this, but then I found it just kind of boring. Not particularly funny or charming. Hoping it will improve.
While watching this tonight, my sister realized that she's watched at least one season of every Ryan Murphy show that's aired, except for The New Normal. The look of horror on her face upon realizing that was by far the most terrifying part of watching Scream Queens.
It was oddly slow. JLC was definitely the star, but I did laugh really hard when Christina Perri's Twlight song came on at the beginning. So there's that at least, I suppose.
Limitless definitely sneaked it in there. It was quick, but mentioned in the pilot tonight.
Don't be ridiculous. That makes far to much sense. I like your Mondays in particular - that's a pairing that flows well. I think Elementary and NCIS LA are fairly interchangeable at this point, so one to Sunday and one to Thursday at 10 p.m. seems right. I know Elementary makes CBS a ton of money, so maybe they are…
I thought that was interesting too. It had incredible retention out of The Voice. And, having watched it, it seems really compatible with The Voice. Hard to say where things will go, but I don't see major upswings for any of the other networks in that timeslot, but what do you do? ABC could audible out and throw on a…
Were you aware that Unforgettable still has not been cancelled?… I don't want to take away from your point. I just need someone to marvel with me that it was cancelled by CBS (several times, if I recall correctly) and then saved for a fourth season by A&E. Unforgettable.
Oo! Oo! I have a new contender. The FBI agent on Blindspot. He's the absolute blandest.
So, uh, how about those Monday ratings? Are the Fox programming chiefs sacrificing a goat or a virgin somewhere to ensure that Scream Queens is the hit it kept promising it would be?
And Hayley Atwell adorably takes pictures of all of the gifts her fans give her and tweets them out with thank yous. Following that woman on Twitter was one of the only good decisions I ever made related to Twitter.
The creators, writers and producers seem to be doubling down on the major issues I had with season 6 if this promo and the interviews and news coming out of the show are any indication. I think I'm going to skip this season unless someone I trust tells me I'm missing out. Sad because for several years, this was one of…
I had no idea it was even filmed in Baton Rouge until I saw it mentioned somewhere last week. I figured it was filmed on a set in Vancouver or something. What a waste.