I mean, they can keep Bex. But I'd rather they not. Because she deserves better.
I mean, they can keep Bex. But I'd rather they not. Because she deserves better.
Chris Harrison is a jackass who said jackass things about My New Favorite TV Show Unreal, so screw this.
The supporting cast is amazing. Amazing enough that I'd watch it just for them. Don't screw this up for me, Katherine.
Right, but does that well have a bloated zombie in it?
The Walking Dead Series: An Error In Pacing. I approve.
This comment thread is excellent. It's just a bunch of people making fun of NBC. MY people.
This can only be a good sign about this show's quality.
"I don't want your liiiife"! *in a bad southern twang*
Yes. In basically the only good episodes they have made.
I liked Sepinwall's take on this show, which basically boiled down to, "It fixes some of the serious problems from the original, but has fun and sexy brand new serious problems of its own! Watch AMC print money."
She would be a nice addition to almost any show. She's so far beyond the talent level on Scream that sometimes it just makes me :( for the other actors.
It's like…Bex Taylor-Klaus …… (a million miles) the guy who plays Bex Taylor-Klaus's friend… the girl who got killed in the beginning… the adults… this chick/the reporter… everyone else … the boring, dead eyed guys who breathe with their mouths open.
He is now! He is clearly dead. GoT isn't wrestling or a soap opera. THEY CAN'T JUST BRING SOMEONE BACK FROM THE DEAD.
I am concerned that Stephen Amell may actually die and then Arrow will no longer exist for me to occasionally love, but mostly hate watch. Can you alleviate this concern? These referees you speak of won't actually allow him to die, right?
IRS Code section 181.9: when you can write off zombie killing implements as a business expense; how to tell the difference between zombie killing as a hobby versus profession; caps on writing off meal expenses when meals are other humans
Honestly, I still watch mainly out of inertia and because I let myself take a shot every time someone says "happy endings", but also because it's fun to explain it out of context to people who don't watch because it's so batshit insane when just laid out as a summary.
Mulan was excellent and a lot of my interest in the show left with her. Of course, almost all of my interest left with Neverland. The Frozen storyline wasn't the absolute worst, I guess?
I feel like anyone acting as a check on Guggenheim's YAY NEW TOYS can only be to the good.
I've read the leaked pilot script. It is not. Unfortunately. That would probably be better than what I read. And people would be so mad, and that's always fun.
If it makes you feel worse, I believe it has just slightly better demo ratings than Hannibal.