
I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'd like to see more of Felicity and Laurel interacting. It's so loathsome to me that Felicity has been sidelined all season in Love Interest Hell. Let the women talk! About something that isn't who they are banging! Also, I continue to be puzzled as to why this show won't

To be fair, they're both provenly terrible evil masterminds.

My thing with Olicity has always been do it and commit to it or just don't do it at all, but for the love of God, don't make me watch season after season of will they, won't they angst. I feel like that's a big part of what dragged down this season for me and I fear we're just headed for more of it. With that said,

Ra's character seems to vary by episode.

True. I think that I get confused because the Leagues rules seem amorphous and unclear sometimes.

Kind of? Like, a lot happened but half of it made no sense if you thought about it at all. The acting was pretty great. It was kind of a mess but a far more interesting mess than most of the season has been.

What I don't get is why couldn't Oliver's peeps just stay with him? Wouldn't that make him more compliant? Or, are we getting Brainwashed Evil Oliver as part of the heir ceremony? I'm so confused by this LoA storyline. Ra's must have had a female companion at one point, right? How does this whole setup work? What's

Because the plot demanded otherwise. Only explanation.

Maybe. If I had to lay odds, the actors I'd see breaking out of the CW and finding movie work would be Gina Rodriguez, Stephen Amell, maybe one or two of the actors from The 100, maybe Rose McIver. But then it's always the ones you least suspect.

He'll be fine. Eventually he'll land a role playing a father on an ABC Family show and occasionally they'll let him direct an episode so he feels that he's 'evolved' as an 'artist' and 'grown into new challenges'. Just give it a few years.

Who knows? Seems plausible. Or it's a fake out to get Oliver to do something Waller needs. It's completely unclear what the hell this show meant for this Waller plot line.

Listen, they didn't have time for that scene. Because they would have had to cut all those really exciting and thematic and compelling flashback scenes and they didn't spend all that money on terrible Ollie wigs to not show all their flashbacks that they wrote.

I think they just hadn't had time to tell Thea yet. Roy mentioned some stuff for them to tell her after they told Her he was alive. I'm guessing that didn't want to listen to Oliver's b.s. and also they were afraid he'd try to undo the plan somehow so Roy wouldn't have to fake his death.

That was unfortunate.

Yeah. I thought this episode was a HUGE step up from last week's… And the rest of the season actually. But the Lance stuff is bordering on Too Obnoxious To Watch. Much like the flashbacks. Lance seems to actually have gone insane? I mean, rubbing the "death" of a young man in to his teenage girlfriend to really stick

i can't believe they actually wrote a line that included Joe telling Eddie that he only gets more say than him over Iris's life and decisions when he's her husband. No, show. Don't do that. It's gross. Also, don't use your show to retcon Ray Palmer's stalking into not being disturbing. I thought we all just agreed to

I agree! That was incredibly dumb. I think you're right - that actually was the worst part of the season.

Ra's is basically a toddler. He wants things because he does and if he doesn't get them, he'll throw a fit, even if what he wants is stupid or nonsensical. And the League of Assassins is apparently the exhausted mother who gives the toddler what he wants because they don't want to deal with his fits. Petulant is the

For some reason it stood out to me in particular in this episode. Maybe because it was the exact same line within two minutes or maybe just because I was frustrated with the episode in general. Sigh.

I go between this and what they've done to Felicity as the worst parts of this season.