
I wanted to like this episode. It had the whole cast working together, which I enjoy. (Except Felicity. She's only allowed to talk to Ray now.) I liked the sense of claustrophobia throughout… Both literally and figuratively there was nowhere for Oliver to go repeatedly. But it's hard to get that excited about it given

Did this show ever get any better? I quit after season one. It felt like one of those shows where the cast would always be far better than the script, but I occasionally think of trying it again.

Mostly because it's a great news source for breaking news and stories the mainstream outlets aren't covering. Twitter did a waaaay better job covering Ferguson early on than the bale outlets that didn't reall show up until journalists tweeting started getting arrested. Oh, and also sometimes celebrities get in insane

Too tired to be outraged. But I need my daily show anchor to be smart. Smart enough when landing a hugely publicized career making job to cull his Twitter feed. That's where my real problem lies.

It was a British show. But others more informed tell me now that it was already filmed over a year ago and its unclear if it will get a second seson.

Nothing is scarier than the Duggars. Nothing.

Since this episode was scene for scene exactly as described by spoiler websites like 4 days ago, has AMC just stopped caring about that? Just curious. Seems to me like it happened a lot this season, between screeners and sources and just the relatively obvious fact from social media that several of the actors stopped

But he can't be a regular because he has another show. So maybe he'll continue to just pop up for 10 minutes in two episodes per season?

She gets kind of… intense about things. And she keeps a notebook with detailed notes on the episode. She's definitely at Hardwick's level, but the notebook adds a level of kind of intense craziness to it. It's The Walking Dead. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's truly terrible, mostly it's somewhere around okay -

I think Tony Ortega's site is the one that has some truly terrifying stories about Alley's reaction when Remini defected. (Or maybe it was when Haggis left, but I feel like it was Remini.)

Doesn't a lot of that stuff depend on the ward you're in? Like, some wards will basically abandon you for not tithing or for espousing beliefs not in line with the church, while other wards are kinda like, "eh"?

Like Jason Dohring. That one destroyed me. Whhhhhhhy, Logan? Whhhhhy?

I don't think it's bullshit. They financially prop up an organization that does incredibly destructive things to people who trusted it.

I'm fairly certain you can see it if you want to - for instance, Leah Remini saw it eventually.

I find TD kind of innocuously vapid and wouldn't mind it, except that it makes Yvette Nicole Brown seem kinda crazy when they have her on, and I find that hard to forgive.

Needs more Oh Mys.

Kirkman was probably supposed to come up with something else but then he decided, "Fuck it. They'll watch anyway. I'm gonna roll around in my piles of money instead."

I read the leaked pilot script. I don't think you have to worry too much about this problem, because it's not even in the same universe as the original pilot. For one thing, it has a disturbing amount of teenagers in it. So maybe the later episodes won't seem as bad, since the comparison won't be as stark?

For sure. But that schedule was pretty dire looking in general. I was a little young at the time for a lot of those, but I do remember my seven year old self watching Major Dad and thinking, Wtf is THIS? Hilariously, a lot of the better shows at the time were on NBC.

Every time I feel like I suck at my job, I always think, "well, at least I'm better than NBC executives."