I'll Fly Away! There was that! And… Not much else. Note to self to remember this when people scoff at this being the new Golden Age of television. There's a reason it shines in comparison.
I'll Fly Away! There was that! And… Not much else. Note to self to remember this when people scoff at this being the new Golden Age of television. There's a reason it shines in comparison.
Thea was at the wedding. She was sitting next to Felicity, but she couldn't have any lines, because that might have led to a Felicity and Thea conversation, something this show seems to have actively banned for some reason.
For me, the leeway is that I'm finishing out this season. But I get what you're saying … Maybe they'll right the ship next season and if I hear that's the consensus, I can always catch up. But at this point, I'm forcing myself to watch solely on the goodwill I have leftover from last season and my fondness for most of…
I am so incredibly right there with you. I'm here until the end of the season, and then I'm going to assess whether I want to come back for the next.
I adore Felicity. Love. Her. Kept me watching the show through some dark times, known as season one. But I feel like we don't really see Felicity anymore - we see some prototype that looks like Felicity, but acts nothing like how the character used to act. It's frankly annoying and frustrating on so many levels that…
So, do you think every time Steven Amell publicly claims an episode from this season to be "the best ever", he dies a little inside?
Emily is delightful and deserves like a billion times better material than she's been stuck with this season. She's funny. Why won't they let her be funny again?
He needed to dramatically walk off into the night. I'm sure Roy understood and he probably called Laurel to come pick him up or something. That speechifying about Felicity needed a good send off. You can't throw the short guy in red leather over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes after you've made your manly She…
I'd love to have Deadshot back again, but only If this show will solemnly swear to never do a Very Special Issues Episode again.
Something something identity, something something League of Assassins, something something we all wear literal masks, but have you SEEN our figurative masks?, something something parkour.
Part of me feels like they're deliberately destroying Her character as part of the Laurel Lance Rehabilitation Tour, because I don't know how you fuck up a beloved character, played by a better than just solid actress THIS much in one season unless it's purposeful. But I'm beginning to suspect that this show - much…
Most of the time I just try to pretend like Deadline doesn't exist and that's worked really well for me so far.
It's true. Of the six shows I can think of currently that are based on comics or graphic novels, they're all pretty uniformly bad at writing believable women (except iZombie). TWD and Gotham are just awful at it, Arrow and Flash move between acceptably written and not very good, Agents of Shield is okay. I think the…
The actress who plays Iris was incredibly charming and funny at the Paley panel. I don't understand why the show can't write to that.
I feel like a Bethocracy would at least have, like, milk and cookies (of non-violence and non-extortion cookies), and vanilla scented candles, and shampoo, and guitars, and peasant blouses. I mean, when people weren't being randomly stabbed with scissors and thrown down elevator shafts. I feel like that's my kind of…
Dunno. Think she had a sister, maybe? I might have imagined that though. Oh! I think she had a big love interest arc at one point!
This is one of the places where the show often lets itself down. There's an interesting moral question there - are some people valuable enough in their particular skills to allow them to get away with actions we wouldn't tolerate from other people with less valuable skills? That's a question Alexandria comes up…
I'm truly sorry about your sister. While it's not the main part of my job, I do work with domestic abuse issues sometimes and with women who are abused, and very little about the characters or storyline in this case rings true to what I have seen about these situations and the people in them - and your comment hits…
I can't figure out if it's Morgan, or if it's linked to the "Wolves" we saw referenced previously.
Yep. My best friend had them installed when she had her first baby, which would have been right around then. I find them incredibly creepy.