
What… what is this Jessie thing? The thing where she turned around on wanting Rick's protection, but only because he likes her? That was just… weird. I hated it a lot, even though I'm having a hard time processing why. The Sasha stuff - meh. But I like Michonne as the voice of, "Everyone around me has lost their damn

Oh… right. For some reason, I thought it was because she was so old. Too much has happened on this show. Thanks for the reminder!

Oh, right! She didn't know that was her last name. But then why did Enzo look so puzzled? Or is that just how Enzo looks?

I didn't understand that Sara Salvatore thing at all, but since I barely care about that Plotline, I may have missed something. I feel like the cure is just being brought back so that Elena can choose to stay a vampire? But I could be wrong. If it does get used on the main cast, it could only be her or Caroline,

I'd bet 10 whole dollars it's Felicity, with a side bet of five whole dollars that it's Roy.

I would be thrilled with even just a nomination.

MINE TOO. Except I'm an old, so it was during his initial campaign, not reelection. But then they also took us to a Gore rally to even things out. I live in a battleground state so both candidates come to pander to us a lot. But an acceptable amount of pandering, not the NH or Iowa level of "I have to shut my phone

I went to a GW speech when he was running the first time. My high school took a group of us because it was nearby. Never again. Never, ever again. My best friend at the time was Black and I swear to you, she was the only person of color in the entire hall of about 10,000 people and then this old lady behind us started

I kind of want to watch this show just so I understand all the Cookie references on my Twitter feed, but I just hate Terrence Howard so very much that I'm having trouble pushing past that.

It's true. But I find Clark Gregg so damn likeable that I still like Coulson. But I can admit it's entirely based on the force of the actor. What I'm not crazy about is that they seem to be making Coulson dumber for the sake of plot. I find it increasingly hard to believe that he thinks Hunter and Mac just randomly

Blair Underwood improves literally everything he touches.

They can undo everything except the reveal to Iris. The level of relief I had at her finally knowing was… high. Very high.

Honestly, I think that a lot of their shows are just legitimately good these days.

It's Veronica Mars. With zombies. I think I approve?

I don't understand why a 'set' main character's race can't change. Would the world really fall apart if some of the white comics characters were made Hispanic, or Asian, or Black?

I mean, three out of the four main cast killed this season were Black men. You can argue about what that means - or whether it means anything at all - but I don't think it's a ridiculous point to bring up.

I agree about the gore. It rarely bothers me on this show, but the whole face being ripped to shreds up close thing was too much for me. Plus, this new idea they have about breaking the fourth wall by having the blood splatter on the camera has now been done two weeks in a row and they need to give it a rest. I assume

My 72 year old dad recently discovered The Big Bang Theory. It's been a trying month.

This was a really good episode and I, too, am excited about humanity-less Caroline and Stefan. Not looking forward to inevitable guilt-wracked, "I love you, but I can't be with you because of what we did together", longing looks Stefan and Caroline that seems like it will inevitably follow. I like slightly softened

Remember when all the networks were going to remake Wizard of Oz? I swear, there were like five Wizard of Oz projects in the works a few years ago. What happened to all of them? I mean.. I'm not complaining. It was a truly terrible idea had by many people at once… but still.