
I liked this episode far more than Carrie, but I wholeheartedly agree with this observation, "On that matter, I really don’t buy that Alison would sleep with Oscar at
this point, no matter how shitty she feels about herself. I just don’t
buy it." I don't buy it either, which makes me worry that it was a plot point so

I can see a world in which it might be good, but it's harder to see a world in which it doesn't end up shark chow at 8 p.m. on Thursdays.

She'll always be Melissa "You may have taken down Alias, but even you can't kill The Good Wife" George to me.

Yes! Thank you. My friends were like, "Aw, but he said he loved her!" And I said, "Yeah. And then she should have kicked him in the gnads in response since he was only willing to do that when he clearly knew he was going to die. If this weren't Arrow, he wouldn't return and think how much that would screw with her for

I generally feel like Routh is the only reason that Ray's character works even a little bit, but that backstory was not sold. I don't know that I can blame him though. It was literally an incredibly undetailed, generalized to the point of nothing version of the backstory that every superhero ever has. What do you even

From a heterosexual female viewer's perspective, Sara and Nyssa can lead to a lot of confusing new thoughts.

A necklace for Digglet? Surely that's worth something!


I find it both troubling and incredibly out of character.

It's a bit depressing because when they get back to the heart of what worked about the show - which is basically Oliver, Felicity and Diggle having crime fighting escapades - the show can still work. That was the tether and it's entirely fallen apart this season - and it looks like it literally fell off a cliff for at

At least she didn't mix up search warrants and subpoenas. I take my Laurel progress where I can.

It's amazing to me how many times characters straight out tell people that Oliver is Arrow and they still never seem to get a clue. People who should know Oliver is Arrow include, and yet are not limited to: Ted Grant, Ray Palmer, Detective Lance.

It also doesn't help that Cassidy and Amell have literally zero onscreen chemistry. Not even just romantically. They just don't play off each other well.

I am so over the will they/won't they stuff with Oliver and Felicity. "I love you" as I'm going to die is basically straight out of The Official Will They/Won't They Playbook of Doom aka This Totally Worked on Castle and Bones So Let's Use It Too! I'm sure that Oliver will come back messed up, Felicity will be dating

It's actually far worse than that. It's the Arsenal/Atom/NuCanary Hour.

My problem is that I just love the actors so much that I keep coming back. And I have this deep affection for Felicity Smoak when she's written well and in character. And sometimes, when I don't want to punch him in the face, I have a lot of affection for Oliver.

I don't even understand why he lied to her in their last scene together. Surely it should have occurred to someone that it was a good time to say - "Hey, maybe stop hanging with Daddy Dearest. Because he's brainwashing you to murder people that you like. And there's nothing to stop him from doing it again.

That was actually one of my biggest issues with this episode - and this season in general - a lot is starting to feel repetitive. And now we're back to "Oliver Queen is dead - oh, wait. No he's not!" I loved the final scene with Ras and Oliver, but I feel like it can't make up for everything that came before it. Plus,

I agree with you very much.

I was actually so happy about those nominations that it took me a few
hours to realize how terrible basically every other nomination decision was.