
I feel like this is the rare show that has earned sufficient trust with me to believe that, first, the repercussions for Finn aren't over and, second, that the show isn't condoning what he did, but rather asking what we allow those who we view as "one of us" to get away with when it's done to "others" or "outsiders".

No, not onscreen. Offscreen they've basically said "A billionaire doesn't get poor like the rest of us and so he probably has several million dollars left and he's putting all of it into Arrow stuff." Which makes enough sense I guess.

Noooo. Not Terrible DJ Guy. Anyone but him!

Yeah, that was never very well thought out or explained. I felt like maybe there was initially a storyline the writers ended up scrapping because they could never fully pull it together? That whole thing was just a mess. Actually, most of that season was a mess. It's better this season, thank God. I almost gave up

You know, come to think of it, he did used to do that a lot more in previous seasons. He's just so grouchy these days. I can't imagine him being like, "Felicity, pull out the Menorah!" in his current state.

Ohhhhhh. That guy. He was the worst. Didn't even realize it was the same actor. He's definitely better in The Flash. (To be fair, nothing last season on TVD really worked, so I suppose it wasn't entirely his fault. That storyline went nowhere.)

Oh, no. Now I'm going to be paranoid. This can never be a thing.

Wait. When was he on TVD? Is that where I know him from? Was wondering… He always looks familiar and I keep forgetting to IMDB him.

I thought Panabaker was pretty excellent tonight too. And Martin, but he's always A+.

Every scene that isn't a Joe & Barry scene is a wasted scene. (Not really, but man do those scenes add something special.)

Me too! It looks so good. I'm really hoping with the crossover and move into mid season the show is a bit reinvigorated.

Christmas presents and egg nog? Yeah, Oliver Queen would definitely not approve of that. Way to go, Barry. You're a constant disappointment to The Arrow.

I swear on everything holy that the only reason I can answer this is because my mom just started watching TWD and she makes me talk about every episode with her, while I go, "Huh? Wait. Who was that? When did that happen?" (There are literally huge plot points in season 2 and 3 that I have entirely forgotten

Thanks for writing this - it's pretty much what I was trying to get at. I just lack the capability to do it anywhere near as well as you did.

I fully expect The Blacklist to collapse in a spectacular way in February.

Wow. Just… wow.

I know! I swear! I will! (Like, the level of guilt I have for never having watched Hannibal is pretty much commensurate with the level of guilt I have about things like: a. never visiting my grandmother; b. forgetting to do the dishes when it was really my turn; and c. blowing off friends' parties to stay home and

No? I don't watch Hannibal, but I'm convinced by smart people here that it's worth saving and better than NBC deserves, so after Parks is done and if Hannibal can find another home? Then, no. I wouldn't miss NBC. It's an idea whose time has come and gone… or something like that.

I'm going to disagree about Buffy, but heartily agree on Angel. We are 50% on the same page!

I don't know if it's in your wheelhouse exactly, but The 100 is very good and is probably the least buzzed about best new show out there. Plus, it's a quick watch (only 18 episodes thus far) and all available legally online. On another note, I agree that Elementary is not best watched for its A-plots.