
That was pretty dumb. The pacing was off for the entire episode and the way Beth died was incredibly stupid. Having Daryl carry her body out of the hospital bridal style was absurd, and only furthers the argument that this was yet another female character's death to further a male lead character's manpain, something

My sister reviews this show for another site so we talk about it a lot and I was just saying to her the other day that it reminds me of nothing so much as a mashup between a telenovela and Wonderfalls. (I still miss Wonderfalls.)

I can live with anything that pays to keep this show on the air.

I watched all 18 episodes of The 100 over the last four days and discovered that it's both: a. a really, really excellent television show; and b. probably the darkest television show with the bleakest view of the human condition I've ever watched. Yay! Now I'm in internal torment since general wisdom seems to be that

I always thought we were a traditional Thanksgiving family, but the homophobia is pretty subtle and takes the form of "But I just feel like they probably shouldn't be allowed to adopt", so maybe we're less traditional than I thought.

That's like literally the only way I see out of this. Unless Peter pardons Cary or uses political muscle of some kind, which would honestly stretch reality. The last thing someone in his position would ever do is pardon his wife's partner in her law firm. It would kill his political career and Alicia's political

Probably. Also, it will star Simon Cowell and Superman will be there for some reason and Gordon Ramsey will have a special guest episode where he pours syrup over Simon Cowell's head.

Is JLo even really a thing anymore? I feel like, much like Sean Hayes, Paul Reiser, and Debra Messing, she's the kind of person that networks think are still a thing, but they really aren't, you know?

The only thing better than pre-cancellations are pre-cancellations of shows that went straight to series. All the networks just want to be cool like Fox this season. By the way, did anyone else see the report that Fox is considering rebooting The X-Factor out of sheer, wanton desperation? (I may have added the wanton

The CW has two legitimately great television shows in The 100 and Jane the Virgin, one legitimately fun and very, very good television show in The Flash, one interesting and uneven show in The Originals, and two "Used to Be Great, But Showing Age/Problems shows" in The Vampire Diaries and Arrow. It feels like it's an

The Flash. I mean, it's all relative, of course, but it did insane numbers for The CW with its pilot and has managed to hold onto a large percentage of the pilot audience. Gotham is definitely the closest thing to a hit that Fox has, although I see it going the way of Shield in the spring - I think the reception has

Okay. That's it. It's time for an intervention. Someone has to get NBC to stop making comedies, ABC to stop naming things, and Fox to stop being a network.

There's a restaurant in my hometown that was on Irvine's show. I still don't understand why/how it happened, because even though it's absolutely true the food isn't like spectacular there, it's sort of a local institution and is packed every time I drove by before and after the show aired.

Probably not, because it's not a parole violation, because he's not on parole - he's just on release. Violating a term of release will get you thrown back in jail pre-trial or during the trial - which is what I'm guessing they weren't worried about given the circumstances - but it's not going to add time to your

Ew. That's somehow actually worse.

You can ship established relationships. Now why you'd want to ship these two, I don't know.

Yeah, that kinda went by the wayside. I guess at that point, he was either going to jail or going to be declared not guilty, so what could they really do about it?

I will literally never forgive Alicia for being so AWOL throughout the whole process. I don't mind it as a character choice, I suppose. But I'll never forgive the character entirely as a viewer.

I don't practice criminal law, or in Illinois, but I'm having a very hard time thinking of one. Governor pardon, I suppose? But that wouldn't negate the felony, which he would almost certainly be disbarred for having. Maybe - depending on the law in Illinois - prosecutorial misconduct? Like, they knew he was innocent

If it were any other show, I'd assume it was a writing error. But given that it's this show, I was right there with you wondering who Bishop had on the inside.