I don't come here to do math, dammit!
I don't come here to do math, dammit!
Given the situation they're in and that she has internal bleeding, the 100% realistic thing would be for her to die. But I just don't think the show will detonate that particular bomb. I think Carol is one of the safest characters on the show after Michonne, Rick, and Daryl. But it would certainly be shocking.
I think their actual ship name in the fandom is Gleggie, which is… horrifying.
That would make sense for Dale, less so for Andrea, just because she stuck around for another two whole seasons and played a major part in them. I think they were hoping to be able to turn her around to "comic book Andrea" and then at some point, they just gave in to the inevitable. I honestly just think Glen Mazzara…
Just know that if I could upvote you more than once, I would.
It's amazing the difference a showrunner can make.
Anyone want to do a death pool guess for the mid-season finale? If they kill a character - and I think they probably will because they almost have to given the size of the cast at this point - I'm thinking it's either Beth or Tyreese. I've seen people speculating about Carol, but I actually don't think this show is…
I think it's cute that Michonne flirts by offering to go mow down zombies and cops in Rick's place.
Count me in as one who was like, "Tara meh" but is pushed over into "Tara… yay?" Damn it, Xenu. You win again. And I think Glenn was talking about the zombie hoard camp in the distance.
They have to start culling. Start with Gabriel. I swear, the only reason he's there is because of the comics. They've done nothing with him that's interesting or new. Eugene and Abraham can go too, as far as I am concerned. I used to want to get rid of Tara, but she won me over in this episode, as did Rosita. I'd be…
Admit it - you just want to see the chaos that erupts when we all start arguing again over whether it was a true bottle episode.
Both Sasha and Gabriel's decisions this week qualify for "Too stupid to live." Literally.
Especially if you're a television network executive.
The scenes with the rebellions in the other districts were my favorite part. I didn't dislike the movie as much as others, but it was a welcome relief from the bunker. I saw a decent amount of moral ambiguity in District 13 and its leaders, but having read the books, I may have read some of that in knowing what's…
But she has pretty, pretty hair.
Realizing how many CW shows I'm now watching was a real turning point in my life - or day - whichever. For the fall season this year, I have zero shows on NBC (will watch Parks when it's back - haven't yet started Hannibal but will eventually); one show on ABC (Shield); two on Fox (Mindy Project/Sleepy Hollow,…
Any scene without Tripp is a wasted scene, unless it's a scene with Ming Na fighting herself.
Counter-point: Jane the Virgin. But purely as far as superhero shows? Agree that AoS is probably the best one on television at the moment. I'd put it and Flash close together at the top, Arrow next (sad, b/c it was far and away my favorite before this season), and then Gotham like twenty feet below Arrow.
"Turn Down for What". Much edgy. So cool.
100%. I absolutely agree. But sometimes when shows veer off the road so badly with male behavior toward women and the female characters themselves, it's because the writing room has few, if any, female voices in it. I was just looking at the breakdown to confirm that wasn't what happened here, and it wasn't - which…