
TVD has not yet managed to permanently kill off Bonnie Bennett AND they also managed to give her the best lines and plot this season! Doesn't that make up for their complete lack of diversity in the entirety of the remaining 80 person cast and their killing off every other PoC actor they've ever hired?

Yeah. That's not super clear and it was bugging me. "Hey, you! Guy my husband is keeping hostage! You're the worst! Stay away from my kid. You might be a bad influence."

I also binge watched the first two seasons and I have to say it was far more enjoyable doing that. Arrow tends to be pretty uneven, especially in the first half of the season, so watching 3 or 4 at a time gives a better perspective on the quality and also I could zone out a lot with candy crush during Laurel's scenes

I'd stop watching the show. Diggle/Felicity/Nyssa. None of those three can be the killer, or I really will quit watching. There's a way any of those three choices could be really fascinating as the killer: 1. Diggle did it for ARGUS/Lyla - an exploration of his loyalties; 2. Felicity was brainwashed - an exploration

That's basically what happened, although I think you're both right. The episode would focus on a new suspect, they'd look really likely, then five minutes into the new episode, an alibi or something would clear him or her, and they'd move onto a new suspect - rinse, repeat. However, the suspects did continue to lurk

Yeah. But it's one of my frustrations about watching shows based on iconic comics. Other shows have the option to zig instead of zag when a character or an actor isn't working. This show doesn't have that luxury, because they are locked in (whether by contract, by comic fan expectation, or by their own preconceived

Even EBR, who I usually think sits at the top of the first tier of acting ability on the show, seemed confused about how to play her interactions with Roy and it made her a bit lackluster. (Plus, she was stuck acting for two in those scenes). She didn't seem particularly horrified, or sympathetic or conflicted or…

There was some sort of sound effect when he did the flip and I laughed so hard that I knocked over my wine.

It worked for me as a mildly humorous line, which Laurel (and this show) need more of. It worked less well for me in that she's probably going to get Oliver killed one of these days. Oh, well. At least if Oliver's dead, that means they can never end up in a romance again!

I refuse to choose on principle. They're both terrible. I can agree however that Roy has gotten worse this season while Laurel has marginally improved.

I kind of enjoy the contrast between Barry and Broody McBrooderson, but you had best believe if I had a to choose a team, I'd choose the alcohol drinking, bar attending, goofy leader team, even when weighing that against Oliver shirtless on a salmon ladder (and he's not even giving us that anymore) and the fact that

This is really well put. For the first few episodes of this season, I had a sense that they were putting the board in place, so to speak. Sara's death, the League of Assassins/Oliver war, Malcolm back in town, Laurel's whatever rage spiral, Felicity's distancing herself from the group and taking a job with Palmer,

I like his reviews for Arrow. We disagree about almost everything Doctor Who related, but I think Alasdair does a really good job distinguishing between the quality of various Arrow episodes and helps me think about why I liked an episode or didn't, or why something did or didn't 'land' for me. Alasdair, we will never

It was weird because she started tearing up before Roy said anything.

Do we think Guggenheim just slept through Crim Law in 1L or…

Look. This is coming from the woman who didn't know the difference between obstruction of justice and perjury. I'm pretty sure this is the first time Laurel has ever entered the terrifying halls of Lexis Nexis. That's a lot of effort on behalf of a semi-attractive boxing coach/ex-vigilante.

I can't believe they took away Sara, the salmon ladder, and Oliver's shirtless scenes all at once. How much more loss can I be expected to bear with ill-grace?

That's exactly what it's like, but with less rain (yay!) and less Joel Kinnaman (boo!). No, but seriously. It's annoying.

This show has serious problems consistently characterizing Diggle, primarily because they don't let him do enough to establish a consistent character. I kind of understand the difference in Oliver's mind between killing strangers versus killing Sara - someone they loved who trusted them. It's hypocritical, but I get

Seriously. WTF, Laurel?