
I can't go so far as to agree that Laurel has redeemed herself in any substantial manner, but I agree that was the best line Laurel's had in like three seasons. I will continue to beg the writers - if I'm stuck with Laurel, and I'm stuck with her as Black Canary, please for the love of God, write her as a snark

I don't even know what that mess of an episode was. I'm just going to pretend it didn't happen because there's nothing crucial to the storyline except "Ted was a vigilante" and "Oh, hey. Cupid is a thing now." and "Oliver is Roy's mentor". There. Got the major points. Done. Sigh. Credit to Amell though - this episode

Nope. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. No.

I keep getting confused by Eddie because Martin played "Ed" on Law and Order and I keep thinking that's his name on this show too. It's possible I've watched a few too many L&O reruns.

She's definitely improving. Part of the problem is that the deck is always stacked against the main love interest. They have to be portrayed as smart and capable, but there's always one issue - they don't recognize their love interest/best friend/etc. as the hero. So they're both disconnected from the group and the

Scenes between West and Barry are the best part of the show.

Team bonding in a bar? Darts? Fun? Laughter? Drinking? Oliver Queen would not approve.

Mare Winingham is coming off as a legit manipulative psycho. I approve.

I would watch Josh Jackson surf 24/7, but a generally fair point.

PEOPLE HAVE GOT TO STOP KILLING COLIN DONNELL. He's too attractive and talented to be repeatedly murdered.

On one hand, I think Cudlitz is right that there would be a whole lot more sex in a real zombie apocalypse, because it would be one of the few comforts readily available and because it's human nature to seek comfort and release from other people. On the other hand, I 100% agree that as a woman, I'd be like, "No.

I have decided it wasn't Maggie who asked. I figure it was Carl or Rick or Sasha or Bob, and Maggie was just like, "Who? Oh, her. So she's alive? Okay, whatevs!"

There's two sentences, I think:

I knew this show had turned a corner when I realized that I no longer actively rooted for 90% of the characters to die. I still dread Maggie/Glenn scenes, Rick/Carl scenes (although color me shocked that those are actually improving somehow), and a little bit of Eugene/Abraham/Tara goes a long way (although I

Yeah, that Tara thing was weird. I think she must just be dumb. Which isn't surprising given the group she's glommed onto. Like, nice thought to keep weirdo's secret, but you're dealing with peoples lives and safety. And, also, he basically just told you he doesn't actually have a cure.

In fairness, Beth mentioned Maggie a lot right after the prison fell. She didn't mention her in last week's episode, but she didn't really mention anyone else either. Whereas Maggie's always been more like, "Where's Glenn? Is Glenn okay? Where's Rick? Is he okay? Where's Carol? Where's Daryl? Hmm. Is there anyone I'm

I don't know. I can tell you honestly that I never thought this show was good before season four - season one showed some promise and then after that there were certainly moments that were good, and occasionally episodes that were good, but it's some sort of miracle of laziness and inertia that I kept watching it long

I thought she mentioned in last season's finale that she and her son and her boyfriend and his friend were in one of the "refugee camps" and she went on a run and when she came back, the walkers had invaded. I swear this is a thing that happened. I feel like it was during her conversation with Carl.

I thought maybe it was one of those refugee camps Michonne mentioned in passing?

This is also perfectly believable.