
Ah... well... it was sarcastic... but it was not double-layered sarcastic. ie, I did not mean it in the sense of ironic mockery of people who make such comments, accusing Obama of unconstitutional power grabs - I was actually saying that this action is yet another of Obama’s unconstitutional power grabs. Just to

Oh yaaaaaay, another unconstitutional power grab, yayyyyyyyyy!

Go fuck yourself, douchebag?

Go fuck yourself.

I’m sorry, but I absolutely hate the River character. I can’t possibly be alone in feeling this way.

Well yeah. But that’s a story for another time.

This is actually a pretty great scene. Visually evocative, wonderful music, and the narrative is clear. Also, no dialogue. Just sayin’.

Now wait a minute. You're not even FROM America and you are judging a game that seems to be based on American city planning/development? Wow. That's all on that. But seriously, have some class and leave curse words out of it.

Detroit and a hand full of other cities don't have public transportation other than buses. Trains, subway, and hyper train should all be included in a city to give citizens travel opportunities when the population has grown too high. If he cleared the roads and made these services available it might improve his