
I was happy/sad to see James Taylor get voted off, because he’s obviously wayyyy too nice of a guy for this show, but I’m gonna miss his presence. He’s the only one of the bunch that I think I’d be able to spend 14 minutes around and not rip my own head off.

oh my God which one??! Is it Juliet? It seems like it would be Juliet.

I deeply apologize for recommending a more expensive option, but I’ve been religiously using belif Moisturizing Bomb and night and Aqua Bomb during the day, and my skin has honestly never been better. I also use their Witch Hazel extract toner and have gone through one deluxe sample of their Hungarian Water essence

I marched bass clarinet for 4 years with a neckstrap! It never occured to me to march without one. My arms would have been so tired!

Bass Clarinet checking in! I miss marching band so much.

If swift is meant to be the target then why do my ears feel like the victims?

That is probably the least insane conversation ever heard on the red line

And especially stupid because they take out all the good tasting fat, are left with something that tastes terrible, so they load it with added sugars to make it taste good again! JUST LEAVE IT ALONE, PEOPLE.

Or perhaps a Karlie and Taylor only after party?

Holy shit, I should not have watched this. Just completely sobbing now. I talked to my mom already today, but now I feel like I should call her again. I hope she and all the families of the victims find some peace eventually.

I did my senior thesis on the affects of physical vs emotional abuse - I got the inspiration from my own experience with emotional (and thankfully not physical) abuse. It deeply, profoundly scarred me. My ex used to hit everything *but* me - doors, mirrors, windows, dressers...things around my vicinity, in order to

Just want to quickly chime in here and remind everyone that emotional abuse has evidence of having as many, if not more, long-term detrimental psychological affects on victims than physical abuse.

If your husband cheats on you, you get a divorce! You leave him!

Grandmama, it’s me, Anastasia

Just add it to the list of things he’s confused about. Right under “climate change” and right above “appearing to be human and not a robot”

Well Samer, you did it. You finally got me to read a tweet beat. I just fucking love Sammys!