
Yeah my first thought on seeing the picture is “oh, it looks like a kid being a kid”. I have pretty much no place talking about black hair in any definitive way, so I’ll let Ashley do it way better than I, but I like the idea of kids looking like kids and including all the children in the same look. 

Jessica Simpson, obviously

SO MUCH HP SMUT. I was big into fanfic for a while in middle school/high school. I still sometimes revisit my favs.

Alanna was the first thing I thought of too. I remember being incredibly interested in some of her sex scenes in Woman Who Rides Like a Man.

You know, at least Illinois politicians’ corruption gives us some good entertainment. I watched every single news piece about the Blago investigation and trial, plus remember when Patti went on “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!” and tried to plead with America that her husband was really innocent?? That was A+

Well another part of his defense was “I didn’t even actually get any money!” Which is kind of like saying “I didn’t find anything good in the house I broke into!” as a defense for breaking and entering.

“You should see the signs his next door neighbor used to put up for his opponents.”

Sooooo my family has a habit of heckling the 4th of July parade in Evanston (usually to boo Republicans and get literal Jan fans from Jan Schakowski), which the Governor usually comes to. The year after Rod was ousted my brother yelled at Pat Quinn “Hey Pat, where’s Rod?” to which we sternly got a “we’re not

Honestly, I’m feeling so many things it’s kind of hard to put them into words. I’m really, really scared of these people, and I’m so upset that I’m finding it difficult to not burst out into tears when I read about what happened at Congregation Beth Israel in Cville. And it’s hard to continue reading all about the

Thank you so much for that last part. It is so fucking hard to explain to people who don’t know about Judaism as a culture outside of a religion. I was incredibly lucky to be raised in a town that has a fairly large Jewish population, so I’ve never felt the absolute terror that I feel these days when casual mentions

tbh, speaking only for me here, it’s kind of hard to see where my place is in all of it. Because I’m outraged about the whole situation, but also feel personally attacked by the terrorists carrying swastikas and chanting Nazi rhetoric. But my Judaism isn’t particularly visible, while my ww-hood is, so to feel

srs question - If I am a white woman who is also a Jew, am I allowed to talk about this? Or does the white part cancel out the Jew part?

You don’t. Not here. This is fundamentally *NOT ABOUT YOU*, and that is just fine. You’ll be okay.

I had my period somewhere during 8th grade, probably around 13ish, which put me at late compared to most of the girls in my class. I’d already had a few rounds of sex ed, plus a very liberal mom who told me what would eventually happen. I had my period, walked out of the bathroom, and asked my mom for a pad. She gave

I have an incredibly mundane story about my first period, if you want to hear it

All she needs is the “nonchalantly putting my left hand on his chest and OH LOOK AT THAT IT HAS AN ENGAGEMENT RING ON IT” picture to make me absolutely puke.

All she needs is the “nonchalantly putting my left hand on his chest and OH LOOK AT THAT IT HAS AN ENGAGEMENT RING ON IT” picture to make me absolutely puke.

“So glad I kept you around to be my backup!”

Oh, you mean my worst nightmare? K, thanks for never sleeping ever again.