
+1 Leg Sweep

“Ted Cruz is the greatest ringball player of all time. Period.”

“What’s attendance mean?”

He could have walked away. He was in zero danger.

LeChaim McGoy

Barf Mitzvah

Sage would’ve made a very fine tribute from District 1.

Hey man, I was just trying to make a funny. Chill out.

This is great kinja. +$15.99 Service Fee

It strikes me like one of those pre-written obits that news organizations keep on hand for people of interest.

Man, Talib is always shooting himself in the leg.

Whenever something jumps off, there’s always someone in a Raiders jersey nearby.

That PPV was last weekend.

After all this, Tiffany will likely be one of the main suspects if someone shoots Trump by the sun dial in Centeral Park right after he unveils the sunblocker on top of Trump Tower.

He said, “I am not guilty. I did not kill Susan Berman.”

Yet another reason to despise the New England Scoundrels

The internet already solved that one. He’s Vincent Adultman.

I’m not buying it. Those guys were WAY too excited to be watching the Redskins play.

She went on to blame Hillary for Bill’s past infidelities, including his affair with Chanukah Lewinski and rumored misconduct with PauL’Chaim Jones.