
Yay! Wonder Woman gets a bout 5 seconds of screen time!

I fucking love nerds.

Because I love the way RTD and Cook interact and because DW is my favourite show. Also there’s some useful stuff in there and it’s the reason I want to be a writer.



Because, duh, space!

by reader Caroline S. Upon further

and yet another reason why Batman v Superman might actually be worth seeing.

Ah, thank you!

Now please explain to me how the hell you got that.

Every single year I get excited for the new series, and every year since 2010 (when Moffat took over) I’ve been a little bit disappointed at how little sense it’s made. And then came series 8, which was truly, truly awful. I love this show to bits, classic and RTD era, but I officially have no hopes of series 9 being

It was good like that, but even after they got together it was still unrequited. Probably made it even harder for Spike (not that I’m trying to excuse what he did.)

The whole point of the Doctor was that he was a grandfatherly character. Exactly. Who says he should remain that way? Who says he should always be asexual? The whole point of the show is that it has the ability to change drastically basically whenever it wants, and that’s unique. It’s not like he’ll never be asexual

Putting soap in the microwave. So much fun! Don’t be alarmed by the shit loads of smoke produced.

I’m pretty sure it’s still shipping. Also, 9 was great, but 10 is my Doctor, and therefore their relationship is my favourite of any Doctor/companion relationship (apart from maybe 10/Donna!)

Great until he tried to, you know, rape her. I’m glad they got together for story purposes, but in reality Buffy should’ve steered well clear.

The Doctor and everyone apart from Rose Tyler. Yes, I’m a Rose/10 shipper.

Yeah, I got nothin’.

Why is that so big?

If we had to have a female Doctor.