
Maybe it’s because American cheese (the traditional, yellow kind, especially all of the processed, barely-even-cheese varieties) and American beer are both far inferior to their non-American counterparts? But they’re both “American” so that makes millennials a bunch of unpatriotic assholes for not buying them, I

Honestly I think (white) Republican voters are so brainwashed that they will oppose any bill that gives, in their view, “handouts” to minorities, even if it would benefit them as well. It’s the same reasoning that makes poor rural people in red states oppose welfare and Obamacare.

I love Glossier’s Cloud Paint. Beam is the perfect natural peach color for us slightly olive-skinned girls! Also, Hyaluronic acid is the best. I know Kourtney Kardashian recommended a sunscreen with it during a Vogue makeup/skincare tutorial. Has anyone tried it?

What part of her interrogating his past to make sure he wasn’t a noob at sex and also ordering him to take his fucking pants off was romantic to you? Sure, Arya is a badass, but she’s not a robot, she’s still young and has needs. She hasn’t had sex yet and knows she’s likely about to die. She chose Gendry for her

I just bought the mini size of Milk makeup’s Hydro Grip primer with cannabis seed extract. I really like it! It’s supposed to have no oils or silicones, which makes it easier to use with any product I want. (Silicone-based products don’t pair well with oil based lotions or makeup and oil-based ones don’t pair well

I enjoy the show because its like a televised social experiment. If that makes me a “deeply troubled individual” then whatever, I guess.

So basically the plan is to throw a billion dollars to all 50 states combined, and the amount each state gets depends on (surprise!) the Trump federal government to hand out to (surprise!) *corporations* who at their own discretion can choose whichever childcare program they want to give to their employees (read: the

She’s using the Trump technique of re-labelling something to make it true. He called Hillary “crooked” so much that people began believing it was true, for no reason other than the repetition of it. Trump and his supporters do it all the time. Immigration control is a “humanitarian crisis” and abortion is

If the host is actually good, they can make the show much, much more fun and watchable. A crappy host just kills the vibe throughout the whole night. I guess having no host would be something in the middle, so just meh? Like the Super Bowl halftime show, my guess is we will also be getting the Academy Awards show that

This is a good point. 

Being a woman, and especially a minority woman, seems like a pretty raw deal, frankly.

“Don’t go to bed with anybody you do not have a relationship with. I don’t want to hear about ghosting again, ever.”

Why would he charge you if they’re free??? Especially since it was his fault??

The debt part is to keep women from going to college. If being in debt is “not okay” for a woman then it means going to college is “not okay” either. 

Or it could be her mom’s fault. If she had been a better wife and mother, her parents wouldn’t have divorced and ruined Anna’s life. They’re implying that being “normal” will not only ruin your life, but your kids’ lives. It only perpetuates the horrific cycle of having multiple relationships, a career, and *gasp* reve

So you think lots of men are dumb enough to attempt raping or harassing women who were marching with thousands of women AND men in broad daylight protesting *against harassment*? Just because you might be relatively safe walking in a large crowd surrounded by police in the middle of the day doesn’t mean women should fe

According to the CDC 1 in 3 women have experienced sexual violence at some point in their lives. 1 in 4 women have been attacked by an intimate partner. 23 million have reported being raped, 8.5 of them before the age of 18. Millions more rapes are unreported, since rape is one of the most under-reported crimes. Rape

The ad specifically says ‘some men’ live up to the standards they’re talking about, which simply isn’t true, it’s the majority of men. If it weren’t then the country would be an unflinching hellscape.”

Exactly! Everyone is entitled to have their physical preferences in their mates, but that doesn’t give them the right to declare their preferances as some type of general law. The bald generalization of “The bodies of women over 50 aren’t extraordinary” serves no purpose beyond putting older women down to gratify his

“True” virgin, supposedly.