Holly Gofightly

Thanks for sharing your perspective. I’m not on the spectrum and I thought the show did a good job of showing that life doesn’t have to revolve around those who are (Jennifer Jason Leigh’s character is very involved in support groups, but that isn’t depicted as a blanket positive and her character is extremely

I watch an embarrassing number of home makeover shows and yes, the MMA demo moves are accurate. Honestly that entire subplot made the episode for me.

It was definitely a slog getting through this season, but I love Tulip and Cass enough to continue (for now). My theory on why Jesse’s power didn’t work in the classroom/why Starr was surprised: it is connected to Starr stealing what’s left of his soul, but Starr didn’t realize that Jesse already gave up half his soul

Hollywood: *funnels all resources into barely-tested blockbuster movie slates*

The sad reality is that these coming out stories are likely so similar because, contrary to the wonderful increase in LGBT representation and heartwarming Youtube coming out videos, a lot of gay kids still face the same responses when coming out to their parents, and that act itself is still fraught with anxiety. Of

Watch one of Ramsay’s British shows. His dickishness is certainly ramped up for American TV, evidenced by the fact that he’s always super nice to people even on US Kitchen Nightmares unless they deserve otherwise. I don’t know the guy personally, but all of my English friends swear his image is way different there

I’ve dealt with a few stalkers in my life and you’re right, those who have never experienced it aren’t likely to understand all the ways it breaks you down. I too had someone show up at my place of work (actually I was working two jobs back then and he showed up at both, within a week of each other, on opposite sides

Gettin’ real tired of old white men telling me that a female character has to be “troubled” to be strong...

Gillian Darmody will always be one of my favorite characters. Love my problematic fav!

My mom used to lie to us about what she was feeding us in a half-assed effort to expand our palates. As a result, all of my siblings and I are at least marginally picky. Fast forward to my sister becoming a mom and she feeds her kids whatever she's eating, and they're some of the least picky eaters I've ever met! How

Idk I was moved more by the convenience store owner getting his cat killed and his tongue ripped out in the space of 10 minutes than I was by Mike's death. I just hope he freed cage girl beforehand.

I feel like I'm inventing a memory here but I recall Alison & Donnie hiding the head in a cooler a while back. Then again, I barely remember the last two seasons so I could easily be wrong here. Either way, this was my favorite ep in ages. The last scene had me tearing up! I hope this isn't the last we see of the two

Glad I'm not the only one who wasn't fully sold on the more episodic storytelling this season. Still hilarious overall but I really wish they'd drawn some of it out (*ahem* Ed Chambers.)

What bugs me about the "I was too old to get into Harry Potter" argument is that it ignores the countless adults who didn't get to age with the books but loved them all the same. Anyone from my best friend (started the series at age 30 already knowing what happens to Dumbledore) to my father (pushing 60 when he read

That 4 Non Blondes song can throw me into a rage blackout faster than maybe any other song. Terrible, terrible song.

Man, I thought this was gonna be a thought-provoking comparison between the two finales and instead it turned into another opportunity for this writer to remind us how much he hates Fargo. We get it! You planned to be disappointed and you were! Now can we get someone who actually enjoys the show to review it in the

His behavior alone after he pushes Jimmy away screams "I'M IN DENIAL ABOUT HOW MUCH I NEED MY BROTHER" and my heart still hurts thinking about it.

What a finale. To go from fully hating Chuck in that scene with Jimmy to empathizing with him almost to a fault by the end was such a roller coaster of emotions. And the scene where Jimmy breaks down all of his senior connections was heartbreaking too! I felt this season was slower to start than the last, but they

First off, was I the only one fully grossed out when Elizabeth put the trash crucifix back on Paige's neck? Like damn girl, that was just in the garbage! At least wash it first!

I cheered so loud when Mail Robot appeared, it nearly scared my cat off of my lap.