
Nah, the best film of 1994 was the Chris Elliott vehicle “Cabin Boy”.

They won’t let me bring a backpack into the theater. This guy’s trying to sneak in a whole movie.

Except there isn’t strong evidence she lied in her op-ed - the issue at hand. What we have here is just demonstration that a jury of lay people will reliably buy into misogynist narratives about conniving women and imperfect victims.

Yawn, another (liberal) author for a video game website trying to take a hit at one of the most innovative men to ever live.”

Never takes long for a Musk bro to show up and post something cringy and hilarious.   

The saddest thing about the difficulty discourse regarding From games is that it inevitably buries everything beautiful about them. They are some of the most melancholic, beautiful, intricately designed and yes, hopeful games out there. Fuck the fandom and the “git gud” crowd for turning the challenge into a shitty

Yeah... I didn’t know you could sprint

Steve Urkel and his Isetta

Also, it helps if you saw the 1985 Scorcese film After Hours. And if you haven’t, you should. Beard After Hours is an homage. In the original article, the author complains about the pacing. This is deliberate. Some parts are drawn out to a painful degree. Not everything has to be fast, and you don’t have to cut every

Traffic stops should not receive the death penalty.  

I think its because A)He’s a comedy writer so comedians can relate to him thru that creativity and B) Conan is just a genuinely nice person. One of things that I’ve heard/read and appreciated about him over the years is how much attention and advice he’d give to young comics. Late Night (and later on the TBS show) was

for ages will ferrell was funnier promoting snl on conan than he was on snl.

And Howard motherfucking Stern!

The great thing about Conan O’Brien is like you said, his willingness to try anything. Travel to Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, guest star on a telenovela. I remember an episode when he went to Israel and he was listening to some Palestinians vent at him about Israel, it was uncomfortable and certainly not funny but it was

Yes! And the list of these comedians who respect him, are, a murderers’ row - Ferrell, Silverman, Short, Carvey, Norm, Sandler, Jack Black, Steve Martin, Odenkirk, Spade, etc

You had one job, Covid!

There’s no right way to mourn, and since we don’t live in 1852 where widows had to wear black all the time and be sad forever, it’s perfectly normal to get into another relationship. I know lots of widows and widowers who feel deeply the loss of their spouse while also marrying someone else and feeling in love again.

I really wish I wasn’t as put off by Patton Oswalt going so full tilt into a new marriage after his previous wife died, but it just feels not great.