taking razzles

In Summer 2006 I was in Mozambique for a job. We had to clear away 6 foot tall grass around some dilapidated ruins. I took one of the machetes we had for this task and started chopping down the grass. Let me tell you, that made the job so much easier.

That 30 for 30 is probably a lot less funny to watch now.


“Diversity” is always more popular with white parents when there are a handful of non-white kids in a predominantly white school....

If Serena had ripped him apart and called him out for being a raging bigot and asshole it would have been fine, but her measured, strong, well crafted statement was even better. Way to take the high road and bury him nonetheless.

N. Korea have an unstable, narcisstic lunatic with nothing to lose as president. We have an unstable, narcisstic lunatic with nothing to lose as president. What could possibly go wrong?

I can only wish for such arrogance.

So it’s not about Trump?

These were the only thing I asked for for my 35th birthday last year. I’ve loved unicorns for my entire life and I love that it’s so easy to find things these days.

As he said about the fish and the loaves; “I can’t feed these people, that would create dependency! I’ll pray for them to not be so poor instead” Amen.

Is it any surprise that he trusts Breitbart more than literally any other news source? If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have named Bannon as Chief Strategist or Grand Wizard or whatever the fuck his bullshit title is.

This is common for JT. I call this effect “being Timberlaked” - when I don’t want to like a song of his but I still end up singing along or knowing all the words within a couple weeks seemingly against my will.

Yep, that’s him. And you know what? All those white folk with all their “go back to.. Africa, Mexico bullshit...? I’m like, fucker, my folk have been here since this shit opened up but your fucking german/irish/english ass got here via Ellis fucking island that we fucking built, motherfucker.

Full disclosure: I didn’t watch the speech, but I read the transcript.

Yeah, I seem to remember the media calling him “presidential” after his acceptance speech too. Look how long that lasted.

This how bullies work. They beat you down so far you just want it to end. So that when they show any whisper of a hint of relenting or improving their behavior you are so grateful. But they don’t stop. They’ll never stop.