
Love hearing your experience, Chris!

hahahahaha well said!

hahahahaha!! Well said, Farse!

It sure is not!

omg totally! He took the words right out of my mouth. Katie A is a crazy attention seeking psycho, NOT a trustworthy source.


hahahaha!!! Yea, she does. I am willing to bet she spends more than $600 a month on buckets of KFC to cry into.

funny ... but sorry to break it to you, superstar machine isn’t a cult.

It’s so awesome to hear your perspective here. I love what you said, “This is not journalism. It is repeated hearsay from an untrustworthy source” !!!

Except that you totally shamed and blamed and (attempted) to destroy an innocent and peaceful man on a humongous worldwide platform; opened me personally up to vile criticism as well; and hurt a lot of people who really care about this work. (MEN AND women.)

Thanks for your contribution, Chris. It does help.

You rock !!!

Jealous much? You’re probably dating one of the ex-members, and are in your own personal hell.

ha ha Farse you’re so great

This is amazing! You sound like such a condescending, supercilious imbecile!

Why don’t you go Jiminy Jillickers your balls! God knows nobody else would you self aggrandizing sour ass prick.

I don’t think anyone really cares what you think. If anyone who is intelligent came to this story and saw the slew of comments showing an alternate point of view from that of the one in this article, they would have a more “balanced” POV.

does that mean the author of this article is secretly in Superstar Machine? Cause this almost 7,000 word piece is hella long...

I’ve been in every “back room” there is to be in and so have many of the other women who have been posting their positive accounts of SSM. It was never the way that it was distorted to seem in this article.

It’s interesting to me Expose, that you make the assumption that she believes that her power is coming from someone other than her.