
using International’s teachings are we? like titanic... cringe will never let go.

You rock !!!

oh just stop being such a jealous twat. you wish you had 600 you could spend.

so beautifully said!! So grateful for your bravery especially being a mom. Your a rockstar momma bear... and what your doing is so inspiring. Where do you learn about protection? no where but SSM! “ fight fire with fire” hells yah nobody f* with momma bear and her cubs!

Hell yeah!!

wooo do I smell bitter *^*

parasite: a person who exploits others and gives nothing in return. *^* JiminyJillickers nice name by the way but go ahead and turn that finger towards yourself.

Hells yeah Sista!

OMG! oh no her intuition is off... who’s the valley gal now? so offfffff!

Princess Superstar. I think Cringe doesn’t have anything better to do then to look up and harass other people. Who honestly has the time for that shit. Only a lameo who’s name choice was “cringe””””” don’t you think “cringe” you could have atleast... i mean atleast come up with a hotter name!?

I find this article to be disgraceful. Coming from a side that just is delusional and a desperate attempt to attack someone. I find it disgusting attacking another human being. Repulsive, bad reporting, and just tacky! IT’s like a bad breakup where the woman goes cray cray. The guy says leave me alone. stop texting me

I find it extremely boring it goes on and on and on.