When Mr. Luhnow was with the Cardinals, the organization built a computer network, called Redbird, to house all of their baseball operations information
Kanye west was getting some Kanye rest so that he can go on tour at his Kanye best. Not in his Kanye nest, but still flying Kanye West. Torchinsky was next to him and that’s not a Kanye jest. Now normally Kanye’s in his Kanye Vest. Embroidered impeccably with his Kanye Crest. But this is something he keeps close to…
I just saw this on Kanye’s blog:
Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.
My 1.5 year old smelled like she crapped her diaper.
I saw a couple people in those pictures, so there's technically more people there already than will be in Cellular by the 3rd game.
The last time the Cubs demolished something beautiful amid promises of throwing money at it and making it into an improved version of itself, we ended up with Mark Prior.
BUCCANEERS PR REP: We'd like to announce that we're officially cutting our ties with Mr. Sapp. His actions are completely at odds with the values we share as a franchise. Rest assured that if you come to a Buccaneers game, you can pay $600 to watch a D doing the sucking, and then you do get fucked.
What really set the first woman off is when Sapp asked if she wanted to see his sack dance.
That's because you're an asshole. And not just an asshole, but also a complete moron without even the most limited logical reasoning skills.
You may have to talk to Doug Demuro crazy people about CarMax? I'm going to quote myself from "Anglogasmic Range Rover".
Proving once again that Ferguson brings out the worst latent traits in white male authority figures.
Maple Leafs goalie Jonathan Bernier said that while he appreciated Polak's toughness in blocking the shot, he still feels as though he should have gone to jail in the 70's for that rape.
I'd suggest he enter a 12-step program, but he's already shown he's hopeless when it comes to going through progressions.