
It’s funny, but in terms of kayfabe, him and Paul Heyman are the urban/rural versions of each other.

IWC people should fall into a meat grinder. Everything that Chris Hyatte used to say about you people was true.

Don’t be silly. They have to spend that money on the cosmic joke that is “Esports”, or on crusading against the most popular sport in the United States*, and somehow thinking that will keep Barstool Sports at bay.

Speaking of community voices, anyone know what that fat fucking Canadian is doing these days?

He said “quality”.

You don’t need to be a locomotive engineer to know that.

And once again folks, we see why it was a horrible idea to make Internet-capable devices affordable for white trash.

Based on his history of familial violence and abuse, their lives may not be changing for the worst.

Wow. I still hope and pray because he’s a human being, but damn.

....I don’t think his family can read.

Why do you think that something has to be accepted by you to work? You do know how worthless you are, right?

Our political and justice systems are predicated on the pleasing fantasy that all opinions are equally valid.

I’d really like to see a tape of the jury selection process. This jury should have been kept as young and female as possible by the defense.

My approach is to punch them in the stomach.

Good thing I don’t give a fuck what you think. Go back to Kinja’s joke blog and continue lying through your teeth about cars that you only wish you had in real life.

“Millions of armed citizens!”.....spread out over a continent of land. Against a government that knows that their very lives and families are on the line, and will pull out all stops to put you down. A government which is supported by even more millions of people—beating your millions by possibly a ratio of 10 to

Actually, the response to this has been surprisingly refreshing. A lot of unity.

...Why in the fuck should I believe anything you just said?

Eh, I can tell where it’s going with the circular logic, and I was tired at the time I wrote it. Thank you though!

Careful there, Cubs. You’re actually starting to look talented again.