
Do you really think that the Conservatives are above doing this?

Dude, do you think that old people’s votes somehow count less? Have you learned nothing from November?

I’m glad that we’re discussing British politics, because something has been REALLY bothering me.

Another monkey wrench that could complicate the future that never gets mentioned(because MMA fans and reporters do NOT like to think about it)...some people in Washington are still throwing around the idea of banning MMA altogether. I think that gets less likely as each year goes by, but the Trump Administration is

This isn’t a horrible deal for wrestling as long as the ratio of younger UFC fans and older WWE fans remains close: One man who is willing to pay 500 dollars is worth more on the market than three who are willing to pay 50 dollars. As far as the future goes? For all we know, the youth may turn back to wrestling at

Mentally, there are no adults in that picture.

Police reform needs to start being an issue.

Q: How is GiveMeTheDaily like a brick?

And I have you figured out: Hostile white trash who is hostile because, while he’ll never admit it, knows that he’ll fucking die in the trailer park. Even your handle shows how bitter you are. Well, you should be bitter, because you’re fucking dogshit. Anyone who ever loved you was wrong.

I love how Southern whites map out all of their political and social beliefs on negative stereotypes, then get hot under the collar when someone has the temerity to bring up negative stereotypes about them.

Hey, now that’s some irony. You called Kaperprick a piece of shit! I mean, that’s ironic...cause, you know, you’re a piece of shit!

I think that there will be some bad backlash if an exception isn’t made here, though.

They need to refuse him access to the weight room. If that makes him aggro? Breaking his ribs a couple times will cure that.

Are you aware that guns exist?

All I know is this: The prosecution have better done their damnedest to keep anyone over the age of 40 off of the jury.

Yanno....as horrible as this all is, at least this trial is happening.

The statute of limitation needs to fucking die.

Everyone wants to be there for the most important fights in history, so they proclaim this to be the end of an era.

It was. I fundamentally disagree with you(Aldo’s far from done and honestly, will probably destroy Holloway in the rematch), but the quality of the writing is undeniable.

Yup. The people around here are smart.