
Um, you go to work with a fucking nametag on your chest. You’re one mistake(likely, given your natural incompetence and stupidity) from standing on the side of the road with a sign yourself.

Also, my insults have more stars than your original whine. Maybe take that as a sign that your bullshit isn’t welcome here.

You spent your entire original post whining “Why should I pay for someone else’s health?” for three paragraphs. First off, you don’t have a fucking choice. I don’t want to spend MY hard-earned money on aircraft carrier #19 and other goodies that are useless at hunting terrorists, or spending my money on tax breaks for

Yeah, you see, no one gives a shit about your anecdote because...let’s see, how do I put this....you’re a worthless piece of shit.

Is that sarcasm?

Perhaps you should look into a photo of yourself for your avatar that doesn’t make it so blindingly obvious that you’re white trash.

Okay. All Medicare and Medicaid cases are frauds. And people who like the NCAA are hayseeds who like to fuck their sisters.

........Then fucking tell her the truth about herself!!

What do you fucking care? You work at Burger King. You don’t pay income tax.

LOL Your family is worth less than dogshit.

The Democrats have already said they’re willing to go to shutdown.

Easy thing to say when you’re not the one dying.

Man, fuck this shit.

The bill isn’t going to fucking pass, thank God.

Simple. He tried to vote in a way that protected himself. The Trump voter voted in a way that let the wolves in. You’ll counter with “But they thought it would help”...to which I just note that there was plenty of information out there to tell them otherwise.

Yeah, thank God this article is on here and not fucking Cracked. Used to be a great comment section, but its become neckbeard heaven in the last few years.

Be nice. Olive Garden is the most expensive restaurant in Madison.

Dude, the origins of Steve Bannon are no mystery.....

“In at least 100 years”

I’m a Millennial, and I can’t wait to hear the term stop being bandied about.