
Sigh. And the NFL became pass-happy because that’s what Bristol wants.

Well, Mr. Goldstein, at least Johnny Depp earned what he has.

It’s an exaggeration to say they suck, yes, but whenever I see a Denver fan bragging about that two year old win, it’s very tempting to point out that they’re not that level of team anymore.

I have a better idea for you: Instead of bleating “It’s not all of us!” every tme someone has the temerity to make a correct statement about some of the shot that goes on in Texas legislatures and comment sections, why don’t you police the bigots you do have?


He wouldn’t have had to contend with him in the playoffs anyhow. Denver sucks now.

I was unbelievably shit-faced during that game.

I’m afraid that you’ve mistaken the mask for the real face. It’s more like “Supposedly nice people are assholes online because they can get away with it”

Wow. So you want us to do PRECISELY what we did in Nov?

No offense, because you seem smart and level-headed...but people like you need to get it in your head that not all states are equal.

That’s not so great when you live in one of the more repressive states.

Texas people shooting off about minorities and city folk: “Just our way”.

Jesus the stupid hurts. You’re like a fucking farm animal that somehow learned how to talk. There’s a fucking reason that you work with a nametag on.

“We were not sea farers like you Yankees”

I like your rapid-fire responses make it clear that you don’t have a job.

They live and die on stereotypes about everyone else on this blue rock, but JUST ONE stereotype about them.........

Yes, you are. Quit fucking lying.


...You’re right. But By God, it’s DAMN fucking difficult to do so.

Or we play the long game and wait for the new demographic realities to come in.