
Hopefully this case will serve as a reminder to the public that Atlanta blew a 28-3 lead in the Super Bowl.

I don’t know why, but I’ve always mistakenly thought that Mass already was AST.

That’s more a function of your latitude. It stays that light in the summer in Fargo and Minneapolis.

To that end, it’s no shocker that so many GOPers are retiring. Why go through all that fucking effort and possibly lose anyway when you can just cash out, head to Fox News and become an Angry Talking Head who gets paid handsomely to bitch about the Benghazi Soros Obamatard Liberal Mainstream Media?

You do know he killed and injured several people with bombs recently right? Years after these writings. Why give him the benefit of the doubt about those beliefs.

they are Male bombs

Only one person died. There have been like 20 school shootings THIS YEAR where at least one person died. Did you complain when the other ones didn’t get written about, or are you in fact the one with an obsessive agenda?

Yup. trump supporter, too.

Homeschooling should be illegal.

He said “oh MA GA” when his shit atomized in his ford escort.

Argued against abortion rights and the sex offender registry...

I nominate your post for “Underappreciated Comment of the Day”.

are they going to keep the Spanish name, that seems rude

Please don’t. Giving village idiots and Nazis a platform and attention to try to point out “Look how stupid they are” doesn’t embarrass or shame them anymore to try to change, it gets them elected President of the Confederacy. Or millions of dollars in funding.

As I stated before I remember when I swelled with pride when HRC’s support for Iraq made her a toxic figure in 2008 primary.

For all you America-haters here, how many times has Iraq attacked the US since we went in and removed Saddam? That’s right, ZERO.

Now playing

There’s also liberating the holy land from browner-skinned invaders. If America doesn’t control Mount Moriah when the chosen one comes again then we will never defeat Sauron and destroy the One Ring.

Damn those liberals at our intelligence agencies, at it yet again.

Has anyone told Bernie Sanders to sit the fuck down and not open his mouth?

I am not a Clinton fan in the slightest, but how in this instance is she wrong?