
As someone who has never rigged an election myself, yes, I have full moral standing to criticize them.

I kid you not, “Russian election” is what my dad says when he’s referring to something completely fake.

He weekends in Florida so my guess is St. Petersburg.

Why so soon? Russia just had a presidential election in November of 2016.

Why do these pics remind me of serial killers posing near the graves of their victims?

Eh, I digress:

“OK, class! The late 20th century was fun, right kiddos? Great! Let’s just skip over Chapter [redacted] and head on to President Mun...M...Munchkin? President Munchkin in 2018, alright?”

As an environmentalist, I’m A-OK with cutting these trees down, granted these two d-bags are still sitting on them.

Maybe, but they’re still gonna have at least two democratic presidents before they recover from the ass kicking they are about to receive in november. A lot of reconstruction after El Cheeto but enough time to effect some meaningful legislative change.

As an intellectual.

...tries to take the air out of the ball...

I almost have to admire this Russian as a fantastic joke where the idiot you helped destroy the enemy’s country will do so because he believes he is so great while having the perfect set of devastating character faults.

The pettiness is real.
Every day it gets harder to imagine a world where Trump isn’t a Russian slow-release bomb designed to eat away at every solid structure in Washington.
I’m not insinuating that he knows that he’s a malignant cancer of a president, just that he was chosen as the most malignant, the most likely to

I think you’re right about people not being “owed” anything. We need to stop this pernicious entitlement mentality where people think they deserve help from the government simply by existing.


The guy in the photo but all those alt-right white supremacists are losers.

“All in the southern Indiana trailer park where the Heimbach and Parrott families both apparently lived.”

So they hate me because I’m black, but I work, take care of my kids and am not a criminal. Yet the live in a trailer park, sleep with each other’s wives and get arrested on domestic violence charges, and they are the master race?

Are you sure this happened in a trailer park. It seems so unlikely.

So the agent looked at the manager, and said, “That’s a great act, but what do you call it?” To which the manager responded, “The Master Race!”