
They don’t know shit. It’s big-boy dick waving

I gotta agree with him on one point.

You already are.


The fact that this “mass shooting” only resulted in the death of the perpetrator is a pretty good argument for restricting guns like the AR-15. Turns out when it’s harder to quickly kill a lot of people less people get killed.

There’s a great joke- “Hillary must watch nothing but Fox News because it’s the only network where she’s president.”

It came out that he fucked a porn actress not long after his wife gave birth. Oh wait, wrong guy.

Hey, it’s better than nothing, right? Their offices are too far away for me to go bang on their doors. And I secretly enjoy the thought of two sitting senators making their way here and going, “What the fuck is a Kinja? And why is it so extremely shitty?” ;)

The US’s commitment to Israel goes higher than the Constitution.

You have people in the comments cheering for these deaths out of pure racism. Not only are they not in the greys, or banned they are approved commenters. When will you guys address this?

There are a lot of (D)s in this list. Really a party of the people.

Gentlemen, gentlemen; there is a solution here that you are not seeing:

pretty sickening huh? he spells his name with a K.

Nobody in the goddamned room will challenge anything they say because they don’t want to be sent to their rooms like a pouty teenager.

I think these various marches over the last year or so prove that and unarmed populace represents just as much threat as an armed populace in countering the government. In fact being armed seems to be reason enough to dismiss the grievances on a person or group, why else do you think conservatives look at a few

About the notion that excellence and diversity are mutually exclusive?

Ironic considering Zinke’s main qualification is grifting and he isn’t good at that. Not even mediocre.

Fucccckkkkkkk her! Fucking traitors to the human race the lot of them.

Trump was a dem ... until America elected a black man and he lost his mind.

Bill Maher did a bit this week about how “conservatives” like Andrew Breitbart, Dana Loesch, and Steve Bannon were all wannabe Hollywood stars who got rejected from the entertainment industry. So they were bitter and turned on liberals because Hollywood is run by liberals. Seems that Trump is doing the exact same