
They sure play up the both sides are bad horseshit like there was a viable further left choice on the national stage than the Dems. If there is, I have yet to find it.

Splinter, Gawker, and to a lesser extent The Root and Jez have historically been staffed with young, privileged idiots with one track minds. They started out with snark but descended into a douche and turd whataboutism that would make Sean Hannity proud.

Progressives love nothing more than to eat their own, destroy everyone who pokes their head up with a purity test and then wonder why they never win anything.

No matter how dire our current circumstance. No matter how low Trump and the Republicans go in their never ending quest to systematically disassemble our democracy. No matter what new horrible thing they manage to enact that benefits no person other than they and their wealthy overlords....

“What is with this dedication to continuously acting like Donald Trump is the only thing that makes Republicans bad?”

Standard seem to be, if you bring food to me, you get tip. If me have to come to you, no tip.

Exactly what I was thinking. We don’t need an excuse to pay ff workers less

I read this article and can’t shake that feeling of when one person says everyone else is the problem, look at the common denominator. I don’t really know. Maybe it’s because the last few things I’ve seen him in, he played the villain.

Weren’t you ever taught that interrupting a “progressive” from “progressive-ing” like a good “progressive” does, is rude?

Oh hai. Hey there, Jack, News Editor at Splinter. I am Dinos and Nachos, Immigration Lawyer.

And revere the 2nd Amendment as the tool for a populace to rise up against the government while specifically defining treason in the same document as waging war against the United States?

It’s funny, because I’ve frequently seen these two things paired. Who do they think will be coming for them if the government cracks down? Who do they think is the actual arm of oligarchal and aristocratic power and protection of private property?

They’re afraid of a liberal-controlled military, because everyone knows that a liberal controlled military will be sent out to take their homes, their cars on blocks (including the old tree growing through the engine compartment), and everything that’s not nailed down to be distributed in the communist “utopia”

Sure, they applauded {the military}, but they weren’t standing and looked very bored because what is war but the ultimate celebrity buzzkill, amirite?

“whatever argument I’m having online” Don’t you go knocking my reason to live, pal!

I hate this. I hate this whole generation thing. I hate how a categorization of cultural and marketing trends came to become important and even definitive outside of marketing and making cultural studies just a tiny bit easier.

Ya know what’s the coolest part? That cool, $31 mil that he just made by sitting on his fat fucking ass and clicking a mouse a few times will be taxed at a lower rate than the money I earned at my 55 hr a week job. Neat.

Let’s never forget that Martha Stewart went to prison for nine months over a possible insider trading issue that grossed around $300,000. Because she’s a woman CEO, I guess? But Icahn gets $31 million, and walks away, whistling? When does turning our country into a banana republic start to bite these Trumpsters on

Mr. Juncker’s proposal to hit back at the United States through some of the products for which it is best known in Europe was first floated last month in the German news media. The German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung cited a plan to target the home states of influential members of the Republican Party,

It’s almost as if he just free associates from whatever buzzword he hears—this time being drugs—with no appreciation for context. He plays president like a badly trained musician plays jazz.