
Hey Contractors.... better get those steel orders in for the projects you already bid out. Prices are going to rise.

Yet her lungs look like they’re still working.

I believe she’s been rolling over on Trump all along. Under too.

This is all I care about: Does it make Trump miserable? If yes, I’m down with it.

Clearly it’s been correcting for the so-called curve of the earth that’s led to his being unable to hit the broad side of a barn.

He’s right, you know. All you have to do is point to that 12 hour stretch where the entire planet goes dark at once while the sun passes behind the flat disk of Earth. Frankly I’m surprised nobody has noticed this nightly phenomenon yet.

“In nature, your right to not get eaten is only as good as your ability to stop it”
Another way to put it: Nature doesn’t have rights, nature only has power.

A 5 million person armed independent self declared law enforcement agency sounds pretty much like terrorism to me.

What more could anyone expect from a talking turd named Turdsley?

anytime someone brags about “how they got up at 5 am to go to work early” is an idiot. Just get your work done in the time you’re supposed to be there, and go home to your family you dumb asshole.

$25 million? I hope he spent some of that money on lessons on getting camels through the eyes of needles.

A star and thoughts and prayers.

“Apparently Twitter likes working in the dark (did this late at night)“

Correct, because running massive scripts like this during peak daytime hours is a tech no-no. Oh who am I kidding none of them would understand that. 

‘I’ve shot guns all my life, if somebody can’t hit somebody with 6 shots, than he’s a fucking idiot”

I’m just flabbergasted by this turn. These Boomer’s parents would be fucking horrified their children are metaphorically sucking Russia’s dick happily and willingly.

See, I dismissed your reply and will dismiss any more from you. You expressed yourself, I heard your thoughts, and decided I didn’t want to listen to it. If I don’t let you into my house so you can offer your opinions to me am I suppressing your expression? You can express yourself all you want, but I don’t have to

Dude, America is PLENTY racist without having to blame it on the Russians.

Thoughts and prayers

Come on, you’re better than this! My wife and I play in a bowling league together and we’re not fucking.