
The war was mainly argued on how horrible a person Saddam was.

Translation : You just looked like an idiot, and have too much pride to say “Oops, my bad”.

Sarcasm, bud.

What we need to do is make school boards appointed by the state, not elected. Maybe they’d stand by the teachers more if they weren’t cravenly trying to win every vote in the world.

If someone came on national TV and argued what this idiot did for national policy in LotR terms, he’d be in a straitjacket by midnight.

Yup. It reminds me of two countries in the early 20th century. I think their names were “Germany” and “Japan”

Please don’t do that again. Livestock in human form like Mr Schlampen belong in obscurity.

Your mother should have had an abortion.

No shit. Just let Mossad do their thing.

“A lot of people believe the war was a good idea”

Yah dude, ISIS were soooo much better, were they?

I already know it...but the more it’s pointed out how much 9/11 helped the GOP and the Bush Administration out, the harder time I have believing that they didn’t know it was coming and just let it happen.

Nah. I was just pointing out that you’re a worthless pile of shit.

It’s too bad that there isn’t a Reset button that you can push on your life.

This is why all left-wing millennial journalists should be forced to take a course in Political Reality.

You’re welcome. Sorry if I was a bit harsh. It’s definitely ok to swear here, btw.

Counterweight: The greater possibility that your computer is just outright stolen.

Every time I read these “OMG the 90's were so primitive!” article’s where people humblebrag about tech that they had no hand in developing, I just think about how the people in 2035 will laugh at US.

I like how you try to be edgy and hardcore, but won’t even say bitch.

Pretty erudite for a Russian bot