
That’s what needs to be changed.

In name only. They should be required during the opening segment of MNF to make the guy who got them through math classes.

“I know the Earth is round because I have seen its shadow on the moon...and I trust a shadow more than the Church. I also trust a pile of shit more than the Internet.”

It’s time for DTWS to come off the air.

This hurts to say, but this article misinterprets what he said. He said that so many law enforcement officials were in the NRA that they would be a law enforcement agency of their own if that translated over.

Go Make America Great Again with some Drano.

I like how your weak attempt at both reasoning and sarcasm make it abundantly clear that yep, you truly are Polish.

A public figure is an elected or appointed official. This man is neither. He is, like you, a piece of shit.

You know what else isn’t real, sister-fuckers?

I’ll see that and raise you the Ottoman victory over the Safavid Persians at the battle of Chaldiran in 1514.

We deposed a Prime Minister in Iran, not a President.

You know, righties are using “we do it too” as a lame excuse to defend the Russians. Because you know, party over country.

Why don’t we have to tolerate this when we did this to others?

You would also respectfully argue that the world would not be a better place if your family was trapped in a grease fire.

Hyuk Hyuk! Ya’ll are so clever! That’s why you wear a name tag to work!

I hope they televise the burning of his uniform and the snapping of his sword.

What we need to start doing is shooting the messenger. We need to demonize the people making the parroting voices. Reveal their dirty laundry to the world. Make them totally without public credit.

The heartwarming thing is that it seems to be working less and less.

What we need to do, ultimately, is test before the courts whether or not propaganda like this really is protected by the First. Because there’s a good chance that it’s not.

Even if he is politically active....can someone please explain to me why what it is the soul of darkness when Soros does it, but A-OK when the Koch’s and Adelson do it?