
There comes a point when you just tell that Trump voter “Go get me my fucking fries”

You should have ended up down an abortion clinic’s municipal drainpipe.

It will.end well when we finally accept that some people just can’t be allowed voting rights.

“The reason it hasn’t happened yet is because there is no reason for the intervening layers yet”

Seriously though....”there hasn’t been another election”

“in which the interests of a foreign national has been placed above those of the United States”

This is a reminder, folks: If you are driving and an ambulance carrying a member of 2345's family passes by, GET IN FRONT OF THE AMBULANCE. You’ll make the world a better place!

They keep you on at Burger King despite repeatedly forgetting straws and such.

We’ll see how in love you are with democracy after the assfucking you’re getting in November, you worthless piece of shit.

It’s quite obviously time to turn over election responsibility to the feds.

By that time, said President will be universally recongized as a piece of shit himself.

“Everything bad is in spite of Trump and everything good is because of him”

You were disappointed last month when the milk and cookies you left out were untouched, were you?

God, I hate Woodrow Wilson. Worst Dem President of this last century.

The Electoral College isn’t in the Constitution

WaPo has already put out a “He was Presidential!” Op-ed.

“I have no doubt this will be commercially successful”

Then why are you giving this piece of shit free advertising, David?

Now answer me this: Why does it fucking matter? Of COURSE one political party is going to fund opportunity research into the other one. That means that it’s the other party’s job not to be doing something treasonous for them to catch!

Wishful thinking doesn’t make things come true. You figured that out last week when your manager gave Kevin the shift you wanted instead.