
Fun fact: Want to see all of this provincialism and bigotry combined with urban problems(but not urban amenities) AND governmental incompetence, that never gets alleiviated because the City Council is never punished at the polls?

I see nothing but an argument for disenfranchising the same worthless rednecks.

To them, it’s Paradise. And they can’t fathom why anyone else doesn’t,t see it that way.

....But don’t you dare have any stereotypes about them!!

Yup. They don’t need to be understood. They need to be fought.

“I bet they don’t fuck pigs up the ass like normal people!”

Not dangerous enough. They need to do this at the Grand Canyon.

There is no logic. At some point, you people will figure out that America isn’t getting fixed until these beasts in human form just aren’t allowed to vote anymore.

Yeah so? He’s still definitely the best in the NBA, and if not, not far behind.

Same thing mine said. We’ve found a fake.

Same here. Someone with my name from the Florida Panhandle wrote I support of it. I cannot tolerate my name being shared with worthless white trash. Time to break out the chainsaw.

Why does the NY media insist on making all of us sorry that we ever felt sympathy after 9/11?

Just remember, both his freedom and his marriage have a little less than a year.

....You may want to change this to “Alabama” before some walking abortion tries to pounce on it.

You’re boring.

You’re free to say what you want. And I’m free to truthfully tell you that there’s a reason that you’re going to die with a price checker gun in your hands.

I hate people who don’t realize that THEY’RE fascists, personally.

Of course, there is always, you know, forcing CEOs to disgorge their outsized earnings instead. There used to be someone who did that. Something called a “government”.

Unfortunately, this is right. They have their own networks now.

Good. They already have experience working for a violent piece of shit.