
Wow. Are you actually not aware that you’re a worthless piece of shit? It’s pretty obvious to everyone else.

That sarcasm only works with, you know, proof that you actually do work in the business.

Exactly. If they don’t like it? McDonald’s is hiring. Food, folks, and fun.

So you’re one of those people who believe that no action should ever be taken at all because someone somewhere will get hurt, right?

You do know that many of these people are complete assholes, right?

A fat percentage of those people have seven figures in the bank.

Wisdom of the crowd should be taken off the air just because of the stupidity of it’s premise. The crowd is decidedly NOT wise.

Considering that you’re a worthless pile of shit, I’ll take that as a compliment.

Then why are you in a forum of activity that you claim is better for young people? Even though the President and most of Congress are older than you.

Oh ho ho ho ho I can’t even get mad at this proposed “legislation”. The courts will shoot it down SO FAST.

Then get out of the way, old person.

Weren’t there several articles last year claiming that progressives we’re buying guns in droves? What happened to that?

If someone is a redneck...they are by definition not a good guy.

Remember, if these rednecks decide to rise up against the strongest military ever, the government will have a serious problem....

That’s because they don’t want the magazines for profit, they want them to spread their propaganda. Look at it from that prism: If THAT’S your goal, then who do you want to reach: A hip, young audience, or an audience than can, you know, actually advance your political goals?

Hey, are they selling the police book at B and N? I don’t wantto go through Amazon, because I don’t want you to get the commission.

You know what, guys? I’m actually all for your anti-capitalist beliefs. In fact, I’m so legitimately for them that when I see you have them in articles that also contain the words “Gizmodo Media Group may receive a commission”, I lose a lot of respect for you.

Remember folks, whenever you see a kid whining in the toy aisle and not stopping until their parents buy them the toy on the spot?

1. I said playoffs, not win the division.

Also, don’t pollute our football games this next season with “We are Koch” commercials thatdon’t SELL anything, and are just there so we don’t think of you as bad guys.