
Japanese guy wins a race and this guy clutches his Pearl Harbors.

Perfectly acceptable, it reduces wind noise and makes highway driving much nicer. Winter cruising too.

Nah. It’s delightful, especially on the highway.

But the EMALS!

He might just be smarter than the average bear, but that isn’t a high bar to clear. He’s probably dumber than the smartest bear though - they can open those bear cans and pull them out of trees and shit.

Sir, that first sentence is a thing of beauty.

Is he extremely short or is that car extremely tall?

Allemon was only doing his Civic duty.

Please tell me they’re called Vanna Lights.

Great... Elon is another vertical video asshole.


Similar to how he grabbed the GOP by their pussy.

Mmmm. Cateredham.

They did a realllllly good job on this one!!!

Soooooooooo how much more is it to have it filled with statically charged glitter?

But “If you ban Mustangs only criminals will have Mustangs.”

In addtion of running him down, the Mustang driver may face charges for not providing first aids to the victim.

HIV is no longer the death sentence it was in the 80s. However Mustang ownership is still as dangerous for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other drivers.

They most certainly would.

You mean I can give my wife and kids iPhones and then they won’t be able to communicate with me anymore? Now that is a marketing campaign that might help Apple’s sales.