
He’s super, thanks for asking.

He was a draft dodger CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR.

Well, not really. He didn’t dodge anything; he just refused to serve. Went to jail for it, too. That was also a form of protest, and it’s part of what made him a great American.

Nice to see you’ve landed on your feet Ashely. I don’t think you need to hide the sender’s email address. That is VERY considerate of you. Wowza!

What a dickhead.

Pfft, jokes on her. God isn’t saving anyone.

This made me laugh very hard. It is absolutely true - I do it and lots of others do, too.

So tragic, another Dolphin getting caught up in the net.

By the looks of it, a barber.

Probably the hospital.

About fucking time. The guy, from the looks of him, is rotting away and I never understood why he still had a job with the literally insane and hateful things he said. Better late than never ESPN.

A lot of what’s referred to as “PC” nowadays is just people not being retrograde sociopaths.

One Shining Nut

Sweatpants Dad is packing some serious heat.

Rush Limbaugh is STILL alive? From another era.

Take THAT Cosby!

Well, I like Brock just for this. Made the whole season for me even though it could be from the season before. Either way, says a lot.

How the fuck can I not get a job with ESPN.

2 things...