
Nice to see you’ve landed on your feet Ashely. I don’t think you need to hide the sender’s email address. That is VERY considerate of you. Wowza!

What a dickhead.

By the looks of it, a barber.

God, look at the picture of Curt. He is the physical manifestation of hate and delusional righteousness which is eroding his soul. So sad. So gross.

About fucking time. The guy, from the looks of him, is rotting away and I never understood why he still had a job with the literally insane and hateful things he said. Better late than never ESPN.

One Shining Nut

Sweatpants Dad is packing some serious heat.

Rush Limbaugh is STILL alive? From another era.

Take THAT Cosby!

Just posted that too. It’s one of my favorites.

Well, I like Brock just for this. Made the whole season for me even though it could be from the season before. Either way, says a lot.

At first viewing I thought of a Colin Kapernick joke as it looks like him, and then I saw the SF 49'ers logo on his sweatshirt. Guys, I’m not sure that’s not him. Times be tough yo.

Thank you Drew. This needed to be said. I was aghast I tell you at A.B.’s bs take.

Ragdoll, ragdoll, headbut, ragdoll, drop and walk away. The Ouzo is strong with this one.

Never forget.