Hold Fast McLeod

Nothing wrong! But it’s still something extra to install, versus native capability. :D

Are you implying that there’s a tech company out there that isn’t spying on you?

“That’s not how you play hide the cigar...”

Do Not Masturbate While Seated

yes much better

I thought it was blue balls and violet vulvas because alliteration.

(chuckle) I read that first sentence with the typo as “blue vuvuzela”,and...

We should call that the finger blaster.

I ask anyone who reads this to continue and shower every day. Specially if you take public transportation or sit in a cubicle farm.

Can we really blame them for moving all fast and jerky? All their medicine contained stuff like cocaine, morphine, chloroform, and other good stuff.


I would hope that it takes more effort to upgrade the White House than a trip to Best Buy. iPhones are only one year older than the current administration. Maybe, just maybe, security and reliability are outweigh the need for shiny and new. There’s a reason that our nuclear facilities still use analog tape, for

The only thing less entertaining than most April Fool’s pranks is the throng of people telling us that April Fool’s pranks aren’t funny.

Another sex therapist here (hi!): this works both ways. Although less commonly discussed, men can also not have an orgasm every time, and their partners can respond in the same way.

Yeah, it is a weird spot. She is fully entitled to it and knows it to the letter, but if she was also being a bitch about it, you kind of feel resistant to wanting to expedite her requests. Throw in if she was one of those "You missed a spot, do it over" types.

I agree. I don’t like people who treat service staff badly, or who bring pointless nuisance lawsuits, but she had a signed contract for these things so I don’t understand why the hotel would think she shouldn’t get them.

Y’know, I used to see piracy as a black-and-white issue (and I still feel that it is fundamentally wrong on a number of levels, as gaming is a leisure activity—really, a luxury—rather than a basic human need, and therefore shouldn’t be subject to the whole “Robin Hood” school of thought in terms of “stealing is okay,

It’s also possible that men’s tennis brings in more money because historically they’ve been the beneficiary of much more institutional support by way of PR and promotion. It’s easy to make more money when you’ve been treated like the top dog for 50 years. When you’ve received larger advertising budgets, more (and

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

You know you are getting old when you attempt this at the county fair to impress your unimpressed girlfriend and then you can’t comb your hair the next day. #RotatorCuffsMatter