They drafted women in the 60's???
They drafted women in the 60's???
Since when is EDM a USA specific phenomenon? Even “...festival-centric, corpo pop EDM...” has a global audience.
These are the type of zings needed in a good roast.
I was REALLY skeeved by a supercut of all the “sick burns” that were thrown at her during the roast. It was all sexist bullshit making fun of her’S SO MUCH MATERIAL THERE, WHY GO FOR THE SEXIST HACK JOKES?!?! I know we all hate her, but it doesn’t make that shit ok.
Monsters have feelings and are often misunderstood. I don’t think it’s fair to compare them to Ann Coulter.
Normally I’d be against the relentless abuse of a dumb animal, but I’m ok in Ann Coulter’s case.
I can understand the thinking, but if it’s a staggering amount of money, then it’s pretty unreasonable for the theater to bear the entire cost of it, isn’t it? They didn’t do anything wrong and they’re out nearly three-quarters of a million dollars.
As the story notes, it is a tactic to keep the plaintiffs from appealing. I see it all the time. The plaintiffs will agree to not appeal, and the claim for fees and costs will be dismissed. And, yeah, you should if you are out 700K for a frivolous claim. I see people all the time bitch about what a sue-happy society…
And now I’m crying again!
This is the first time anyone has ever asked me something like this. There are no words for how much my understanding regarding the extent of capacity and compassion within the human spirit has been rekindled by this.
Hey, thanks for asking. I’ll be okay.
I’m a gay man and I lost my fiancee to a brutal car accident just days ago. I’m still in shock and my grieving process is going through all sorts of motions. Sudden death is the worst heartbreak. I feel for the victims and their families and friends.
How are you? I’m thinking of you and everyone else in our community who has to be a journalist today when maybe they just want to grieve.
I’m so appreciative and grateful for Jezebel right now. Love to you too. <3
Thanks for this space. I’m having a really hard time with this. I just keep thinking about being in my early 20's and going to gay bars for the first time and feeling so elated to be in such a fun and SAFE feeling space, to really feel a sense of community and to be able to let loose in a way that normal spaces would…
Do Not Masturbate While Seated
I thought it was blue balls and violet vulvas because alliteration.
We should call that the finger blaster.