Hold Fast McLeod

See, I had a similar experience as you, but I went the other way with it. Every time someone popped up who was just an uppity asshole bent on making me cry at work (which seriously happened about 5x a day at least), I resolved not to let any of these douchestains get to me and would go into like super-helpful-friendly

hello, please be my friend and tell me always about animals and ancient creatures and dinosaurs and stuff.

I had an internship at a zoo in undergrad, and there was a note left about me one time. I explained that horseshoe crabs were an ancient species and you could see their relatives, the trilobites, in fossils from the Cambrian period. The dad got all huffy and asked how I knew it was “millions of years”, and I responded

I don’t believe anyone has the temperament to work with the public. Some people are just better at suppressing their anger. I worked with a lady at the grocery store who was absolutely the best grocery cashier you’d ever seen. Fast as a bullet, super nice to everyone. Remembered every customers name and every detail


I know I have anger issues sometimes but part of this “adult” thing is holding back those toxic things we want to say.

Maybe you’ve learned something about yourself as to what triggers that reaction? Doesn’t matter if it’s retail, call center, or an office setting, you’ll run into assholes of all shapes/forms, but the

“Who is Alanis?”

The Man and His Daughter Walk Away, Hopefully Forever

Wouldn’t free ketchup actually be commie? Charging for it is very American and capitalist.

“I see you looking around, I know you don’t want to talk to me. I don’t give a shit. Walk away. Fucking walk away.”

God, the Too Chocolate-y Chocolate drink idiot reminds me of when my friend worked at County Kitchen (throwback!) as a waitress and turned down the advances of a client. He proceeded to call whatever manager he could get on the phone for like, a week, and fill them in on what a scummy bitch she was and to inform them

And some of us men!

Truthfully? I had to stop a minute and realize that GM isn’t General Motors

“Easier to say yes than no with raged-out older guys—as all women know.”

I am, at this very moment, enjoying some outdoor Wi-Fi in Seattle and reading this BCO before I head off to work (8 AM Pacific posting time, YEAH!)

I just experienced a homeless person looking at me like I was crazy because I cackled like a madman at that Seventeen/steakhouse joke.

Congratulations, Colin. You wrote a

I am making the quite likely unwise decision to comment before I click through to the original article, because I didn’t see any mention on the bride’s part that she’s sent a heartfelt thank you letter to her bridesmaid for being part of her wedding party.

I disagree. I think this bride _should_ confront her friend about the lack of gift, so that the bridesmaid has the opportunity to shit in a box and mail it to her, but that's just me.

This is highly reminiscent of a FB message I received recently: