Holden Caulfield

Oh yeah I know. It was more of a sarcastic aside that any real point. I'm very much aware Madonna is just as bad (although she did a lot more for the community that Gaga has and Madonna's association with queer culture began because she was popular with gay men, it wasn't as manufactured as Gaga's association).

Gaga called herself "straight" in multiple instagram posts from Pride 2016 and she has done nothing to say "no I'm bi" since. I do not think her identifying as Bi was anything other than a marketing move and her reclassifying herself as an ally was far more damaging to her image than saying she was bi, so I don't buy

This infuriated me so much that I logged in to call you out. Holy shit.

I find Bill Hicks hilarious and always have. I'll never understand this argument.

On Jack's death bed, Woody promised he'd give the producers role to Jack's estranged brother, Henry.

If she does say that, I'll concede that point - I wrote the comment an hour or so after having read the article and was closing tabs when the comment I replied to caught my attention, so obviously my recall wasn't perfect.

Can you not torrent it? That's why I did when I was a cord cutter. Genuine question, not just being snarky.

I watch the start, skip the interviews and watch the end because sometimes he has a funny character segment at that point, but I've noticed he's getting broader and broader as time goes on and I worry that sharp satire is going away (it's certainly getting less common in favor of "wacky" bits)

Well that's more than I expected you to do, so kudos.

It really isn't. It makes numerous assumptions and leaps in logic and fails to note why Rolfe made the video to begin with (to argue his dislike came as a fan, not as a sexist). Important and also not mentioned is that while Rolfe may be a fan, he's a fan with an audience to serve. When he makes his comments he's not

In fairness I'd argue most the album can be described in that way. Epitaph struck me as a strand out on 69LS that hadn't obtained the same recognition as The Book of Love, Luckiest Guy on The Lower East Side, etc

Epitaph for My Heart.

he's not saying it's underrated, he's infact naming it as one of the two most popular tracks.

I think a lot of what Jeff sings about is the *aftermath* of violence against women. She sticks a fork into his shoulder because he's already hurt her. To me, nearly every woman described is a disturbed, damaged sex object picking up the pieces of their psyche while someone (usually a man) does their level best to

Yeah, I was simplifying somewhat to make my point and perhaps should have said "one of the main themes of the record is violence towards women".

It's not a potato, it's a drum. The whole record is about violence towards women, so the woman has a face you beat (a drum).

remarkably well, which annoyed me at the time as it confirmed (in my mind) that she wasn't that interested in me to begin with.

I once was about to go on a date with a girl when my (estranged at the time) father ran to my door to tell me she was my half-sister. He didn't even stick around to explain either, it was literally "that girl you're about to meet is your sister" and he walked off.

When I saw them I was amongst the oldest there at 25. They're like Morrissey- the fans are always youthful.