Holden Caulfield

A couple of minor things:

That's how I feel. I was an abused/bullied teenager, and I understand the power of television and books to make you feel wanted. Hell, I've dated both sides of the gender spectrum, so I understand what they're feeling. I just think it's things like this that make people thing of gay teens as over-sensitive idiots

some of those dedications:

Yes he is, but it's kind of part of the Morrissey thing. A major part of Morrissey's appeal is this mix of totally uninhibited arrogance undercut with arch self-deprecation.

Thank you so much, I usually worry it goes over peoples heads and that I should add "phony" or ask about where the ducks go to make it more obvious.

It's kind of interesting that the early UK punk bands owed a lot more to Iggy than the early American ones. Ramones and Television clearly owed more to people like The New York Dolls

It's one of a few albums that I would call legitimately timeless. What gets me is that people think songs like Search and Destroy are loud and angry songs about destroying things for no reason. The real key to that song is in the
chorus: "I am the world's forgotten boy…". Iggy isn't a mindless thug, he's a lost boy

Related story time: When I was about 20, I used to walk around in the early hours of the morning
with a girl and we'd talk about film, books and music for hours and hours. One day, I dropped her off at her house at about 5am, and she ran back out as I was leaving and
gave me three albums to listen to: Art Brut's Bang

I would argue that Taran Killam is the better performer. I find McKinnon can overdo it at times. Particularly that face she makes constantly to suck up all the spotlight when she doesn't have any lines and the fact that she seems to have several characters that are just "regional/foreign accent" + "dead pan snark"