I’ve gotten so sick of the Thrawn obsession that this speaks to be on a deep level.
I’ve gotten so sick of the Thrawn obsession that this speaks to be on a deep level.
Using his free time on a job that is 99% debilitating wankery to entertain people makes him a “lowlife?” As someone who has tangentially supervised night guards in the past, I can tell you if he’s not selling drugs, stealing, or actively breaking shit, he’s in the running for employee of the month. By using his time…
Shoot a black kid, get a paid vacation. Record your farts and post them, insta-can. I hate this country sometimes.
Only a handful of us saw Idocracy as a warning, while the majority saw it as a goal.
“I hate jeans that are essentially leggings and it is so fucking frustrating to find good old-school denim these days.”
Hip hip hoora-nah. Fuck it. I’mma take a nap on the sofa.
Isn’t this literally playing on one of the TV channels in ‘Idiocracy’?
It’s a look at the evolution of human soul
I hope to see him on Ellen. I hope she gives him a Hyundai.
His appeal comes from his eyes. When he is flatulating he looks into the camera and straight into your soul. You truly feel that he is not releasing gas from his ass because his body compels him to but because he wants you to know what it means to be human.
One of the many cool things about GoldenEye the game was how they took the actual set floormaps from the movie’s production team. Anytime I saw the movie afterwards, it added a whole new layer knowing where ignored hallways and doors led to.
This is hilarious I’ve felt more uncomfortable being nerdy around people who watch BBT than anyone else. This show has done more to make being nerdy a joke than anything else on TV simply because the joke of the show is literally look at these nerds freak out about something stupid.
I appreciate that one comment concentrated so many wrong opinions into one comment
facility - prox mines
The phrase of my generation.
I thought it had already closed a while ago? I grew up in Fort Wayne and remember driving past the Seyfert’s factory on the way to the mall — guess it was still operational that whole time. Somehow I missed out on a school field trip tour but my younger siblings got to go and hear all about the potato chip lady.
The lack of charming cartoon icon did them in.
You know you can receive unemployment after the severance, right?
as someone who was born and live in Fort wayne this is depressing, I remember taking a tour of the factory when I was a kid, I’m going to have to buy a couple bags on my way home tonight...