Okay “hon”, your first cognitive distortion is the the use of “pity party”; If it doesn’t work for you, that’s really sad. Assuming that life lessons regarding empathy, compassion and appropriate development milestones met with parental support are not useful is unsupported in psych literature. I’m sorry that you had…
I love that picture - I can imagine her hair smelling like “Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific!”
yeah, but it is probably just one enormous rock hard testicle.
“I draw eyebrows on my cats” & “I’m a pirate”
No, it isn’t - it is an effort to get rid of the homeless.
It is possible that both Tucker and Ann Coulter are closet liberals / progressives, but they would ALSO have to be complete sociopath / narcissists to sustain this presentation.
you have committed sacrilege!
I watch this OVER and OVER again.
Oh man - now I wish that it HAD been taken down. So disturbing.
Heart your niece.
Ugh - don’t feed the troll - at least I hope CrimeScene is a troll, because if he/she is ever planning on breeding, that spawn will be hell.
looks like it has been taken down.
Or perhaps NO ONE can make the grade in her perspective.
Fuck, now I cannot get her nasal catarrh of a voice out of my head. After reading that first selection of her book I can tell you I would rather spend a week locked in a room with Nell “moaaanhnn tay-tay-ing” 24 hours a day than sit with this dessicated stick woman that inexplicably manages to have any sort of…
Mine is hot dog fingers.
WTF? You don’t need that burden in your recovery. Can’t you request another therapist?
THIS! Your first paragraph is spot on.
I'm really surprised by all of this re: Subway - I live in Los Angeles and NEVER have problems getting as much on my sandwich. Is this a regional thing? I mean, they're going to throw the majority of it away at the end of the shift.
Seriously - skip those restaurants and check out all of the other stuff in the area: Right around the corner from PUMP is Bossa Nova, and it is amazing and affordable. If you can get reservations to Mozza on Melrose / Highland, do it! You'll never go wrong with any of Nancy Silverton's places.