
That does taint the goal somewhat.

No. Sestito has absolutely no intention of playing the puck, which was playable and in his range. He’s only going for body and even though he’s a fucking waste of a jersey, he’s played enough hockey to anticipate Enstrom making that move. He has time to adjust his point of contact and avoid the numbers but continues

I’d tell him to stick to football but his hands do anyway

Shaq’s entire contribution to Inside the NBA is a low-rent knock-off of a Bob Sagat clip show. Still haven’t figured out what he brings to the table other mumbling and largeness.

We’ve... we’ve left the real timeline, haven’t we? We’ve gotta be one of those splinter universes that sane people try to imagine an alternate reality would be like, but then just go “Nah, fuck, that’s too crazy, no one would ever believe that.”

Look, James Dolan doesn’t have the best people skills and probably shares a good deal of blame for escalating this situation beyond what it deserved. That being said, he’s a fucking joke of an owner, his franchise is the punchline, he’s a Trump bootlicker, and he’s even worse as a musician.

It’s Dan Devine’s world now, we’re just living in it.

Sad and Pathetic: Jealous nobody writes boring and snarky article about Bill Simmons. Hey Albert, let me know when people actively seek out YOUR content, regardless of the medium, in the hundreds of thousands.

“Have you guys tried extreme vetting on your Presidential candidates?”

The line is: “Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn’t selling fucking legal?” George was a goddamn wordsmith.

Go fuck yourself

Good sports trolling is Good

Cleveland has a comic book convention? Asking for a friend.

I bet that Kyle blogging line killed during the editing process.

Finally, Richard Sherman admits to pass interference.

“Con-junction, junction...”

The word “hero” is tossed around a lot these days...

Hm. So you’re saying off brand Cialis would turn a small penis into a really good piece of advice?